CIHR Guidelines on Identical or Essentially Identical Applications


The following interpretation guidelines aim to facilitate understanding of CIHR's general practices for managing and monitoring identical or essentially identical applications. These guidelines are intended to be read in conjunction with the Policy on Identical or Essentially Identical Applications (Section 5.2 of the CIHR Application Administration Guide).

Principles and General Requirements

The policy requirements are based on the principles that CIHR must manage public funds effectively, such that funding is not duplicated for the same research objectives, and that fairness is achieved towards those applicants who submit unique proposals in funding competitions.

CIHR endeavours to promptly identify and action cases of non-compliance. If a case is being investigated during the peer review stage, it must not influence the rating of the application(s).


Consequences of Non-compliance

The determination of non-compliance is at the discretion of CIHR.

Consequences will be determined on a case-by-case basis. This may involve the withdrawal of all applications determined to be identical or essentially identical to the first submission. If funding has already been awarded, any identical or essentially identical applications may undergo a cancellation of duplicate funding.

Confirmed cases of non-compliance may be reported to the Secretariat on the Responsible Conduct of Research, as a breach of the Tri-agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research, under article 3.1 Breaches of Agency Policies.

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