Message from the Chair of CIHR Governing Council

Dear colleagues,

This note is to advise you that I will be stepping away from my role as Chair of CIHR Governing Council, in addition to moving on from my role as Vice-President, Research and Innovation at the IWK Health Centre. I have made this difficult decision in order to focus on family matters.  My last day with CIHR will be at the end of December and Dr. Alice Aiken (GC Vice-Chair) will serve as interim Chair of GC until a new Chair is appointed.

It has been a joy and a privilege to work with CIHR – an amazing organization that is comprised of talented individuals who do exceptional work and are dedicated to improving the health of Canadians.  I will miss working alongside you all dearly.

As I turn my focus to the personal, please know that I will look forward to following CIHR's continued progress. Much good work remains to be done and I have every confidence that the best is yet to come.


Dr. Jeannie Shoveller
Chair, CIHR Governing Council

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