College of Reviewers: Skill Builders

The Skill Builders consist of interactive, brief exercises designed to address a specific question or concern for participants in the peer review process. They are intended as optional resources to help peer reviewers build their knowledge and practice their skills.

Reviewer Quality Assurance (RQA) Theme

The Review Quality Assurance (RQA) process measures and monitors reviewer’s participation and performance in peer review. The process is designed to encourage and support high-quality reviews as well as recognize reviewer performance.

Appropriate Reviews with High Utility

Receive prompts to reflect on your writing and ensure your review comments are clear, original and respectful.

Writing Relevant Reviews

Practice identifying relevant review comments and learn about principles to consider when providing feedback.

Writing Robust Reviews

Strengthen your understanding of adjudication criteria by assessing examples of reviews.

Aligning the Review Scores and Comments

Review the rating scale used in the Project Grant Competition then identify issues with examples of written comments and scores assigned.

Sex and Gender Integration

Evaluate examples of reviewer feedback in the Sex and Gender integration section.

Budget Recommendations

Deepen your knowledge of the budget recommendation section of a review.

DORA Theme

As a signatory to DORA, CIHR is committed to excellence in research funding and to ensuring that a wide range of research results are valued as part of the review process. Considering other ways to meaningfully assess research quality, including assessing different types of research outputs, allows researchers' work to be better assessed on its own merits.

Assess Research Productivity

Recognize and look beyond the traditional indicators of productivity when assessing contributions and impacts.

Provide Feedback in Accordance with DORA

Practice integrating DORA principles into your reviews and committee discussions.

Consider the Context of the Applicant

Identify potential biases that may arise from an applicant’s personal context and learn to navigate towards minimizing bias in your research assessment.

Facts and Myths about Journal Impact Factors

Broaden your understanding of research assessment by discerning and identifying myths surrounding Journal Impact Factors and other journal-based metrics .

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