Introducing Dr. Angela Kaida, IGH Scientific Director (she/her)


Please introduce yourself

Hi, I'm Angela Kaida. I'm the scientific director for the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health. I'm also a professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.

Can you tell us in 60 seconds what is your vision of the future of gender and health research and why it matters?

So a vision for the future of gender and health research is really about a calling in.

So our mandate is to conduct research that is of benefit and relevance to women and girls, boys and men, and gender diverse people across Canada and around the world. But the second part of that is around applying what we're learning. Applying what we're learning from this research to improve health and wellness for all.

Do you have one wish for the future of IGH?

So one wish for the future of the Institute is really around expanding our conceptualization of gender, sex, and health, to be inclusive of people who live beyond the binary, to be inclusive of other intersectional factors — parts of our identity, of our social positions, about the ways in which we are experienced and we experience this world, and how these factors, whether that's race and racism, disability, other social determinants of health, how those intersect with our gender and with our sex to shape our health outcomes.

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