Félicitations aux chercheurs financés à l’issue du concours de subventions de fonctionnement 2022 Analyse de données à partir de bases de données et de cohortes existantes!
L’IDSEA est heureux d’annoncer les titulaires des subventions de fonctionnement 2022 Analyse de données à partir de bases de données et de cohortes existantes :
- Amin Reshma, Hospital for Sick Children, Predictors of Adherence and Healthcare Utilization in a Population Based Cohort of Children Using Long-term Ventilation at Home: A Big Data Analysis
- Hilary Brown, Université de Toronto, Impact of Maternal Multimorbidity on Pregnancy Outcomes
- Ian R. Colman, Université de Ottawa, Identifying long-term predictors of young adults not in education, employment, or training (NEET)
- Jessica K. Dennis, Université du Colombie-Britannique, Genetic influences on the mean and variance of DNA methylation in early life to understand the biological underpinnings of childhood complex conditions
- Mary A. De Vera, Université du British Columbia, Examining reproductive health outcomes of females diagnosed with young-onset colorectal cancer (EXPAND-yCRC)
- Mark Ferro, Université de Waterloo, A Pan-Canadian Study of Physical-Mental Comorbidity in Children
- Tiffany Fitzpatrick, L'Agence ontarienne de protection et de promotion de la santé, Does early-life respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection increase the risk of asthma? Using population-based health administrative data to address two missing pieces of the puzzle
- Amit Garg, University of Western Ontario, Effect of pregnancy on long-term kidney function in women with chronic kidney disease: an observational cohort study
- David Gomez Jaramillo, Unity Health Toronto, Emergency general surgical conditions in pregnancy and the post-partum period: A population-based study of maternal and peri-natal outcomes
- Fiona G. Kouyoumdjian, Université McMaster, Estimating the number of children who experience parental incarceration and describing their health status using linked whole population data for five Canadian provinces: The CHIRP (Children with IncarceRated Parents) Study
- Azadeh Kushki, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Examining the correlates of adaptive functioning in neurodevelopmental conditions: data from the Province of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Network
- Ariane Marelli, Institut de recherche du Centre universitaire de santé McGill, Genetic syndromes associated susceptibility to the carcinogenic effect of low dose ionizing radiation in children with congenital heart disease
- Jonathan M. McGavock, Université du Manitoba, Urban trail expansion and mental health of children and adolescents
- Kozeta Miliku, Université de Toronto, Determining the Role of Fathers in the Developmental Origins of Cardiovascular Health
- Massimiliano Orri, CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal-Hôpital Douglas, A comprehensive analysis of the associations of youth cannabis use with physical health, mental health, and socioeconomic outcomes over four decades of life: a population-based study of 3 longitudinal cohorts
- Roman A. Pabayo, Université du Alberta, Tracking the Role of Income Inequality on the Widening of Health Inequities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Adolescents Participating in the COMPASS Cohort Study
- Kelly F. Russell, Université du Manitoba, Health, education, judicial and social outcomes of Manitoba children exposed to intimate partner violence: a population-based study
- Travis Salway, Université Simon Fraser, Reproductive Health of Sexual Minority Women in Canada: A Cohort Study using Canada's Unique Linked Data Infrastructure
- Eszter Szekely, CIUSSS de Centre-Ouest-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal-Hôpital juif, Applying attachment theory to perinatal mental health problems and their links with early postpartum parental functioning: A trans-diagnostic perspective using perinatal longitudinal cohorts
- Yuk Joseph Ting, Université du Alberta, Understanding childhood health outcomes among at-risk infants: identification of Canadian priorities and implications to improve clinical care
- Kimberley A. Widger, Université de Toronto, Childhood Grief in Canada: Understanding Prevalence, Demographics, and Disparities
Cette subvention vise à soutenir la recherche faisant usage de données provenant de cohortes, de bases de données, de catalogues de cohortes et de plateformes de données qui existent déjà et qui sont pertinents par rapport à la santé génésique et la santé des mères, des enfants et/ou des adolescents. L’objectif consiste à attirer l’attention sur les données administratives et les données de cohortes et d’enquêtes déjà financées et à en encourager l’utilisation à des fins de recherche pour guider l’amélioration des résultats des patients, des populations et des systèmes.
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