Fellowship Awards - Application instructions

Before beginning

Applicants and their supervisor(s) must ensure they have the following:

Applicants and their supervisor(s) should have only one ResearchNet account each. If ResearchNet was accessed in the past, do not register for a new account.

General Application Process

  • Applications must be prepared, finalized and submitted by applicants using ResearchNet.
  • All attachments must be in unprotected PDF format, not exceed 30 MB and must adhere to the Acceptable Application Formats and PDF Attachments guidelines. CIHR reserves the right to withdraw your application if it does not meet these requirements.
  • Applicants must preview all components of their application in order to ensure its completeness.
  • Applications must be submitted prior to the deadline posted on ResearchNet or the institution internal deadline, whichever comes first. CIHR cannot legally accept an application until the "Consent and Submit" task is completed on ResearchNet.
  • This document provides general instructions, but does not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of all information required to complete an application.
  • Information provided in your application package must be self-contained. Links to external websites or documents hosted on a drive should not be included in the application.
  • No changes or updates can be made to an application after they have been forwarded to CIHR.
  • Any information that is not required or exceeds the page/character limits will be removed from the application prior to the review without notification.

For technical help, contact us Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


Applicants should consult the CIHR Fellowship – Frequently Asked Questions. For information not addressed therein, email support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

Tasks required for completing a Fellowship application

A. Complete the Common CV

Nominated Principal Applicants and their proposed supervisor(s) must choose an Academic CV template. Common CVs (CCV) are required regardless of the citizenship of the applicant and supervisors. To produce a Common CV:

  1. Go to the Common CV website and "Login".
  2. Under "CV", select "Funding", then select CIHR and the appropriate CV type (CIHR Academic) from the dropdowns. Then click "Load".
  3. Enter all the relevant and necessary data and click on "Done". A validation will automatically be performed and errors, if any, will be displayed. The validation rules are specific to CIHR and the selected CV type.
  4. Review the CCV data online via a preview of the PDF.
  5. When satisfied, click on "Submit".
  6. Record the confirmation number that is displayed with the status message (which can also be found under the "History" tab and on the first page of the CCV PDF).
  7. Enter the recorded confirmation number under the "Identify Participants" section on ResearchNet. Note: Supervisors must provide their CCV confirmation number to the applicant so that it can be entered in ResearchNet.
  8. If changes are required to the CCV for a certain application, applicants and/or their supervisor(s) must repeat the steps above and enter the new confirmation number.

Note: During peak periods, there can be a delay for the validation of the CCV confirmation number by ResearchNet. It is highly recommended that applicants enter their CCV confirmation number and that of their supervisor(s) in their application well in advance of the competition deadline.

Important Common CV information required for the Fellowship funding opportunity

In addition to the instructions in the CCV, here are additional instructions, specific to this funding opportunity, for sections that align with the adjudication criteria. It provides important information to reviewers for the adjudication of each application. Do not feel obligated to complete every CCV field. The numerous fields are simply meant to capture information from different fields of research and for various funding opportunities. The applicant can also provide additional information that could not be captured in the CCV in the Complete Application section on ResearchNet.

  1. Section entitled "Education", Sub-Section entitled "Degrees"

    • Every degree (Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate) must be recorded in the CCV whether they are complete or in progress. In addition, the following information must be entered in the applicant's CCV for eligibility purposes:
      • Degree Type
      • Degree Name
      • Specialization
      • Organization
      • Degree Status
      • Degree Start Date (YYYY/MM)
      • Degree Received Date / Degree Expected Date (YYYY/MM) (if applicable)
      • Supervisor(s) (if applicable)

      Note: Applicants who have transferred to their doctoral program without completing their Master's studies and/or are pursuing a combined doctoral program should still record their studies as per below:

      • Record the Master's and/or any combined studies distinctively by indicating "In Progress" as the degree status.
      • Record the doctoral studies distinctively by indicating "In Progress" or "Completed" as the degree status and by responding "Yes" to the question "Transferred to PhD without completing Masters?"
  2. Section entitled "Recognitions"

    Indicate any recognition received, including honors, distinctions, prizes, and awards (competitive or not, monetary or not, declined … etc.). For further details regarding recognitions, click on the "?" next to the Recognitions section title.

  3. Section entitled "Employment", Sub-Section entitled "Leaves of Absence and Impact on Research"

    • Applicants must explain any gaps in the chronology of their experience. Applicants should describe any special considerations that have had an effect on their performance or productivity. They should include any considerations that may have resulted in delays in disseminating their research results, such as health problems, family responsibilities, disabilities, trauma and/or loss, pandemic impact or other circumstances, for example, the time necessary to complete a monograph, file a patent, or commercialize an industrial process or product; and for health professionals, engagement in post-degree non-research related clinical training (residency, etc.).
    • If there are none, leave this section blank.
  4. Section entitled "Research Funding History"

    • This list should only include research funding entries in which the applicant was formally recorded as co-applicant, co-investigator, co-knowledge user, collaborator, decision maker, policy maker, principal applicant, principal investigator or principal knowledge user.
    • The information in this section should not duplicate information included elsewhere in the CCV (e.g. awards such as CGS Master's and Doctoral awards or any other type of federal or non-federal awards should be listed in "Recognitions" and not in this section).
    • If there are none, leave this section blank.
  5. Section entitled "Activities"

    • The activities and contributions defined in this section should include both academic and non-academic achievements, and their impacts.
    • Only entries with dates within the past 5 years may be submitted.
    • If there are none, leave this section blank.

    Note: The supervisor(s) should add to their CCV activities that will best serve the applicant's application.

    For the following section, if there are no entries to add, leave it blank. Do not repeat entries.

  6. Section entitled "Contributions"

    CIHR is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which “recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of research are evaluated”. Applicants are encouraged to highlight a range of contributions (e.g., research publications, reports, books, guidelines, datasets, code, tools, standards, software, and commercialized products). Reviewers are asked to avoid using journal-based metrics, such as Journal Impact Factors, as a surrogate measure of the quality of individual research publications. As stated in DORA, the “scientific content of a paper is much more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published”.

    • Presentations:
      • Conference poster presentations should be listed under "Presentations". If the abstract was published in a conference journal, it should be listed under the sub-section entitled "Conference Publications" found under the "Publications" section.
      • Only entries with dates within the past 5 years may be submitted.
    • Publications:
      • Only entries with dates within the past 5 years may be submitted.
      • Only include publications that have been accepted or are in press. Do not include publications in preparation or submitted (unless available in a recognized scientific public archive).
      • Theses should be included under sub-section “Dissertations”.
    • Intellectual Property:
      • This section should include details for patents and intellectual property rights for technology transfer, products and services. Do not include publications in this section. Descriptions might include the title, patents or intellectual property rights number and date, country(ies) of issue, the name of the inventors, as well as relevance or impact of the stated item.
      • No entry limits.

    Note: The supervisor(s) should add contributions to their CCV that will best serve the applicant's application.

    Important note: Applicants and supervisor(s) are encouraged to read the CIHR Reviewers’ Guide for Fellowship Awards and become familiar with the review of publications and other adjudication criteria for this funding opportunity.

B. Complete the Fellowship ResearchNet application

1. Identify Participants

  1. Identify, at a minimum, a Nominated Principal Applicant and a Primary Supervisor. You must identify this individual in the role of “Primary Supervisor” under this task, or else, the task will remain “Incomplete”. An additional supervisor (if applicable) may be identified in the role of “Supervisor”. The Co-Supervisor (if applicable) must be added under the role of “Supervisor” under this task. Consult the funding opportunity and the CIHR Application Administration Guide for more information. Note: For the purpose of this funding opportunity, the Nominated Principal Applicant must not hold an open-ended academic position as an independent researcher (in which the holder can form a research group, apply for externally funded research as a principal investigator, and teach). It is the Nominated Principal Applicant's responsibility to obtain the CCV confirmation number of their supervisor(s) and enter it in this section.
  2. This section collects information on:
    • The Nominated Principal Applicant:
      • CIHR PIN;
      • CCV confirmation number;
      • Contact information which will serve CIHR to communicate with the applicant if needed;
      • Degrees Held:
        • Indicate the degrees you will hold as of your proposed award start date.
        • Applicants applying for Post-PhD funding who have not yet received their doctorate degree should check "PhD" and “Other” in the "Degrees Held" section and indicate in the text box “PhD in progress”.
        • Applicants applying for Post-PhD funding who also hold a Health Professional (HP) degree or Allied Health Professional (AHP) degree (with or without licensure in Canada) should check both, unless the degree is not recognized in Canada.
          • Important note: Applicants must validate if they are considered health professionals or allied health professionals. See the note under Annex.
          • Note: Health Professionals only include medical doctors (MD), doctors of veterinary medicine (DVM) and doctors of dental science (DDS). Allied Health Professionals include all other CIHR-Eligible health professions.
        • Applicants applying for Post-HP funding who have not yet received their HP or AHP degree should check "Health Professional" or "Allied Health Professional", as appropriate, in the "Degrees Held" section.
          • Note: Applicants who have completed HP or AHP training should check the appropriate degree, even if they have not completed or do not intend to complete the qualifying examinations to practice.
        • Please consult the Annex for the list of CIHR-Eligible Health Professions.

        Note: If an applicant’s PhD degree is in progress, check “Other” and write “PhD in Progress”. It is important that applicants ensure that degree information is accurate, as it will influence the assignation of their Peer Review Committee.

      • Reason for which support is being requested. Applicant must select one of the three options:
        • PhD holder with or without an HP or AHP degree. All applicants who expect to hold a PhD by the time they intend to start their award must select this option;
        • HP or AHP degree holder intending to pursue post-degree research training;
        • HP or AHP degree holder intending to pursue a graduate degree.
      • Applicants with a HP or AHP degree licensed in Canada are required to provide their proof of current and valid Canadian licensure (unprotected) (e.g. copy of annual membership card with expiry date). The document must be saved in a PDF format maximum size of 30 MB and is to be uploaded under the Subtask: Attachments.

      Note: Each application received will be assigned to one of the five committees with the mandate that most closely aligns with the applicant’s training credentials and area of research.

    • The Primary Supervisor (and Supervisor, if applicable):
      • CIHR PIN;
      • CCV confirmation number;
      • Contact information which will allow CIHR to communicate with the supervisor(s) if needed.

2. Enter Proposal Information

This section collects information related to the research project of applicants.

2.1 Overview

CIHR will identify the research project using the title. For this reason, applicants cannot edit their project title once the application is submitted.

Lay Title

Provide a title for the project that is in a language clear to the general public. Lay titles are used by CIHR to inform the public and Parliament about the valuable research supported through public funds.

Lay Abstract

Describe the project in a way that is accessible to a lay audience. Indicate how the proposed research can improve personal health, health of populations and/or health delivery system. This information is used by CIHR to inform the public and Parliament about the valuable research supported through public funds.

2.2 Details

Indicate the institution that will administer the award funds. Consult the CIHR Application Administration Guide for more information.

If the proposed research will be conducted in Canada, the application will be electronically directed to the Institution Paid for review and approval. This Institution Paid must be entered as early as possible in order to view the institutional internal deadline.

If the proposed research will be conducted outside of Canada, the award will be paid directly. As such, there is no Institution Paid and therefore, the name of the institution where the research will be located is to be entered manually in the field "Other".

Certification Requirements

If the application is selected for funding, the necessary certification requirements must be met in accordance with policies on ethical conduct of research. Relevant policies:

CIHR must review proposed projects against the requirements of the Impact Assessment Act (IAA). To this end, please indicate whether any phase of the proposed research will take place on "federal lands" as defined under IAA, which includes land owned by the Government of Canada, including reserves created under the Indian Act?

Trainees are exempt and should answer "No".

In order to carry out the proposed research in this application, is an exemption from Health Canada under Section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act required?

Trainees are exempt and should answer "No".

Does this application propose research involving Indigenous Peoples?

Indicate if the application proposes research involving Indigenous Peoples. This information will be used for statistical purposes only.

Applicants, whose proposed research will involve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, must ensure to work and engage with Indigenous communities in a meaningful and culturally safe way. Please, also consult Ethics of Health Research Involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis People.

Is sex as a biological variable taken into account in the research design, methods, analysis and interpretation, and/or dissemination of findings?

Is gender as a socio-cultural factor taken into account in the research design, methods, analysis and interpretation, and/or dissemination of findings?

If yes, describe how sex and/or gender considerations will be integrated into your research proposal. If no, explain why sex and/or gender are not applicable to your research proposal (limit of 2000 characters). Please consult these resources on how to integrate sex and gender into research.

Note: Please note that it is important to justify if a research proposal exceptionally lacks sex and gender considerations.

Period of Support Requested

Indicate the period of support required. Please refer to the section “Duration of support” from the funding opportunity for the maximum duration of funding available depending on your academic profile.

Proposed Start Date

Please indicate the date for which funding for the research project/program would begin (funding start date must be within proposed start dates specified under the “Conditions of Funding” of the funding opportunity although project/program may have already started).

Percentage of Time Spent on Different Activities

Indicate the percentage of time to be spent on different activities. Applicants are expected to spend at least 75% of their time in the proposed research training (Research + Course work) throughout the tenure of their award.

2.3 Descriptors

Provide keywords that describe the research project, the techniques and the methodologies it will employ, as well as the areas of interest.

Areas of Research

Select the areas of research that best describe the proposal from the list provided.


Select the classifications that best describe the proposal from the list provided.


Select a primary theme classification. Indicate additional theme classifications only if the substance of the application significantly overlaps more than one theme. Consult the definition of the four CIHR Themes on the CIHR website for more information.

Suggested Institutes (Categories)

Select a primary CIHR Institute whose research mandate is related to the application’s research area(s) and objective(s). Additional Institutes should only be selected if the substance of the application significantly overlaps with the research mandate of more than one Institute.

3. Complete Application

3.1 Additional CCV Information – Nominated Principal Applicant
  • To be completed by the applicant only.

    The applicant must choose up to three research-related contributions (e.g., research publications, reports, books, guidelines, datasets, code, tools, training and mentorship, volunteerism, community engagement, standards, software or commercialized products) that they judge to be the most important. Note: Only entries with dates within the past 5 years may be submitted. If the applicant has taken a leave of absence for certain reasons (e.g. parental, medical, family-related…), this 5-year period is extended accordingly. For each of these contributions:

    • discuss the significance, relevance and impact (e.g., influence on policy and practice, influence on direction of thought, use of research results by stakeholders, health outcomes, societal outcomes, and distinctions-based, meaningful and culturally safe health research) of your work. If appropriate, discuss the rationale for choosing a research dissemination practice;
    • describe your role in the research, including clearly outlining your contribution to collaborative research (for example, consider the percent contribution to the team effort, if required);
    • Applicants are invited to provide contextual factors that affected the progress in their research or dissemination of results. Examples include health problems, family responsibilities, disabilities, trauma and/or loss, pandemic impact or other circumstances, for example, the time necessary to complete a monograph, file a patent, or commercialize an industrial process or product; and for health professionals, engagement in post-degree non-research related clinical training or activities (residency, etc.).
  • Maximum 7000 characters (including spaces).
3.2 Training Expectations

Applicants are to:

  • Provide an overview of how their previous research training and/or experience outside of academia relates to the present proposal (i.e., how their previous experience will benefit their current/upcoming research training work) and elaborate on their career goals, including how this may have been informed by careful career planning, using tools such as an Individual Development Plan (IDP). See sample: CIHR IDP tool [ PDF (960 KB) ]
  • Describe how the training they expect to acquire will contribute to their research goals and impacts they hope to achieve.
  • If relevant, describe how additional postdoctoral/post-health professional training experience, including the development of research, technical and professional skills and networks, will contribute towards their career goals.
  • Indicate why they decided upon the proposed training location and what they expect to learn from the training experience.
  • Provide a justification if they are planning to hold this award in the same research environment (i.e., research/paid institution (or its affiliate), supervisor or co-supervisor) where they completed their previous degree. Examples of valid justifications are scientific reasons (e.g., availability of specialized equipment/infrastructure or expertise), family reasons (e.g.,family obligations), health reasons (e.g.,proximity to health care facilities), applicants conducting researchwith Indigenous communities and/or reasons related to community or cultural responsibilities. Indigenous communities are broadly defined as individuals, groups, organizations, and populations who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuk (Inuit), andor Métis) living and working anywhere in Canada.
  • Maximum 7000 characters (including spaces).
3.3 Research Project Summary
  • The research project summary should be completed in collaboration with the proposed supervisor(s).
  • The research project summary should be written in general scientific language, which is an important skill to acquire for future success in the research environment as applications are being reviewed by multi-disciplinary committees.
  • Include the specific hypothesis of the research and describe the applicant’s role on the project.
  • The research project summary is among the most important parts of the application. Applicants and their supervisor(s) should ensure that it provides a concise account of the subject matter, an overview of each part of the research plan, specific project aims and the methodology. The summary should reflect the significance of the project.
  • Maximum 3500 characters (including spaces), including references. Figures and tables are not accepted.
3.4 Research Training Environment

In addition to the supervisor's CCV, this section describes the space, facilities and personnel support that is available to the applicant.

  • It should demonstrate the commitment of the proposed supervisor(s) and their institution to support the development of the applicant's research project (funding, facilities, equipment, etc.).
  • It should also demonstrate a commitment to developing the trainee’s research, technical and professional skills and networks over the training period by providing career planning, skills development and networking opportunities to prepare the trainee for an impactful career.
  • Maximum 1750 characters (including spaces).

4. Identify Sponsors

Applicants should refer their selected sponsors to the Information for Sponsors web page for useful tips.

Applicants are responsible for supplying their sponsors with the documents necessary for them to write their assessment. ResearchNet does not grant the sponsors access to view the application or its attachments.

This section collects information on the three sponsors who will provide an assessment of the applicant. These assessments should come from people under whom the applicant has trained and/or who have had a good opportunity to assess their potential for research. It is at the discretion of applicants to choose people they would like to seek an assessment from, keeping in mind that there is no opportunity within the application to provide a justification for their choices.

  • Applicants must enter the sponsors' names within their application, update the Assessment Required Deadline Date* (if applicable) and press on “Save and Send Sponsor Request". Sponsors will then receive two emails:
    • The first email is to notify them of a request to complete a sponsor assessment.
    • The second email provides the link that the sponsors need to access in order to complete and submit the electronic form. The deadline for submission is indicated within the form.

    *Note: Applicants can manage the deadline by which referees must submit their assessments. By default, the sponsor Assessment Required deadline in ResearchNet is set for two days before the application deadline. However, applicants can adjust this to any date prior to the application deadline.

  • The assessment form must be completed and submitted online prior to the Assessment Required Deadline Date and be written in English or French. Once an assessment is submitted, it will automatically be attached to the application.
  • It is the applicant's responsibility to follow up with sponsors to ensure the assessments are submitted prior to the deadline date and therefore ensure the application completeness. Only after all three sponsors have submitted their assessments will this task be marked as complete in your ResearchNet Application Task List. Applicants do not have access to the content of the assessment submitted by sponsors. However, applicants may follow the status of the assessment directly under this section and are encouraged to follow up with the referees if the task is not completed shortly before the deadline.

These assessments are considered confidential and are governed by the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, and the content of the assessment submitted by the sponsors cannot be seen by applicants during the competition. Upon request, the applicant will have a right of access to the content of the sponsor's assessment following publication of the results.

5. Attach Other Application Materials

  1. Applicants must provide the Confirmation of Scientific Area Form as part of their application. Applicants must retrieve and print this form from the CIHR website under Index of Funding Related Forms. Once completed, the form must then be uploaded as a single PDF document (unprotected) not exceeding 30 MB under "Other" in the "Attach Other Application Materials" task. Upload with description “Confirmation of Scientific Area Form”. Detailed instructions on how to select the most appropriate scientific area are indicated on the form.

    Note: This attachment is limited to one page and no other type of document will be considered by CIHR.

  2. Applicants must complete the appropriate CIHR interactive module on sex and gender in research that applies to their research project and attach the certificate of completion under document type “Other”. The training module should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. – upload with description “Certificate of Completion for the SGBA modules”. Note: append the document to your application as unsecured PDF copy by using print screen or by scanning the document.

6. Upload Supplemental Application Information

The applicant must complete the fillable PDF form "Applicant information and committee assignment " available on ResearchNet under this task. Once you have completed the fillable PDF form, you must save it and upload it to ResearchNet. This form serves as an opportunity for applicants to suggest which one of the five Fellowships Peer Review Committees their application should be assigned based on their academic background.

Please note that the peer review committee assignment is based on the degrees held by the applicant as of their proposed award start date, their licensure status as of the application deadline (if applicable), and the scientific area of their proposed research activities.

7. Apply to Priority Announcements / Funding Pools (Optional)

Priority Announcements/Funding Pools on CIHR's core competitions offer additional sources of funding for highly rated applications that are relevant to specific CIHR research priority areas or mandates.

They are listed in alphabetical order on the CIHR website together with CIHR's other current funding opportunities. For requirements on individual Priority Announcements/Funding Pools, applicants must verify the "How to Apply" section of each of these on the Funding Opportunities page. This section will indicate if relevance information is required at the application stage.

To apply for funding through a Priority Announcements/Funding Pool, applicants must select the Priority Announcement/Funding Pool title from the list and the Relevant Research Area(s) addressed by the proposal, then press save. If a relevance form is required, a text box should appear.

8. Print/Upload Signature Pages

Note: All 3 pages of the document must be uploaded as part of the application prior to submission.

  1. Print the signature page PDF file which is found on ResearchNet.
  2. Only supervisor(s) signatures are required. Printed names should always accompany signatures.
  3. No institutional signatures are required on the pages at the time of application.
  4. Scan and upload the signed signature pages, including the routing slip, as one PDF (Unprotected and not exceeding 30 MB), in the "Print/Upload Signature Pages" task in ResearchNet prior to submitting the application.
  5. If proposed research is in Canada: All necessary signatures must be obtained and uploaded on ResearchNet prior to the Research Institution's (Institution Paid) deadline date.
  6. If proposed research is in Canada: The Research Office at the institution will electronically approve and forward the application to CIHR.

9. Preview

Applicants must review all components of the application. If a section is incomplete, the missing information must be provided to successfully submit the application.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the information provided is complete and that it conforms to the application requirements. ResearchNet does not validate the content of uploaded documents.

Note: Applicants cannot preview their CCV information through ResearchNet. They must verify the information directly on the CCV portal.

Any information that is not required or exceeds the page/character limits will be removed from the application prior to the review without notification.

10. Consent and Submit

Applicants must review the terms listed and respond to the questions regarding consent in order to submit their application.

Applicants must click Submit to send the application.

It is highly recommended that applicants submit their application well ahead of the CIHR deadline. If the applicant's institution is part of eApproval, their institution's research office may return the application to the applicant with comments or questions. Many institutions have internal deadlines for receipt of applications ahead of the CIHR deadline, and applicants are to confirm with their institution what the internal deadline is.

If the applicant has performed this task correctly they will receive the following confirmation email(s):

With eApproval

If the applicant's institution participates in the eApproval process, the applicant will receive two confirmation emails:

  • The first when the Institution Paid (participating in the eApproval process) receives the application, and
  • A second once the application has been submitted by the Institution Paid to CIHR.
Without eApproval

If the applicant's institution does not participate in the eApproval process (i.e. institutions outside Canada), the applicant will receive one confirmation email once the application has been submitted to CIHR.

Annex: List of CIHR-Eligible Health Professions

Below is a list of health professions for candidates who have received specialty training, with or without current licensure, to deliver health and social care. Please note that this list may not be exhaustive. If a profession is not listed and more information is required, please contact support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

  • Audiologist/Speech-language Pathologist
  • Chiropodist/Podiatrist
  • Chiropractor
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Dentist/Dental Surgeon
  • Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist
  • Kinesiologist
  • Medical Laboratory Technologist
  • Medical Radiation Technologist
  • Midwifery
  • Naturopath
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Optometrist
  • Pharmacist
  • Physician/Surgeon
  • Physiotherapist
  • Psychoeducator/Psychotherapist
  • Psychologist
  • Recreational Therapist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Veterinarian


  1. To be considered eligible for CIHR programs, the health profession must require at least a Bachelor's degree for licensure in Canada, be regulated by provincial legislation, and provide a service that promotes health and/or prevents disease.
  2. The provincial legislation regarding licensing requirements for the above professions will vary from province to province.
  3. All health professionals in one of the disciplines listed above and licensed to practice in Canada are eligible to be considered for the higher stipend level under the CIHR Fellowships program.
  4. It is the responsibility of the licensing body to determine what is required in order to offer a full or educational license.
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