Project Co-Applicant CV – Quick Reference Guide
The Project Co-Applicant CV will be completed using the Canadian Common CV (CCV) interface, and will be used to assist peer-reviewers in evaluating the Co-Applicants (both Independent Researchers and Knowledge Users) experience, expertise, and the value they bring to the proposed research project. For that reason, the information placed in the CV should be directly relevant to the application submitted by the Principal Applicant.
Please note the following important items related to the CCV and the Project Co-Applicant CV:
- CV-related attachments will not be allowed in ResearchNet; therefore, all information will either need to be included in the CV, or in the appropriate task in ResearchNet.
- In an attempt to ensure consistency across CVs, many of the fields in the CCV have been made mandatory. This may cause a need to include additional information to your CV (which will show up as "errors" in the CCV) when you open the Project Co-Applicant CV template. Please ensure that you give yourself the appropriate time to make the necessary updates to your CV.
- In an attempt to focus the Project Co-Applicant CV to Project Grant adjudication criteria, limits were placed in certain sections. Before you submit a CV, please ensure that you have selected the relevant entries in each section that you want included in your CV. For more information regarding how to choose certain entries in the different CV sections, please refer to CCV Frequently Asked Questions for CIHR Applicants.
- Please note that the Project Co-Applicant CV template is being piloted throughout the various Project Grant pilots. CIHR would be happy to receive your feedback regarding these CV templates. We will be surveying both applicants and reviewers to collect feedback regarding a number of items, including the content of the CV.
- Comments or questions related to the Project Co-Applicant CV should be addressed to
The Project Co-Applicant CV consists of five sections. The Personal Information section is used by CIHR staff to allow collection of personal information for administrative purposes. This information will not be shared with peer reviewers. The four sections relevant to adjudication/peer-review include Employment Experience, Research Funding History, Contributions and Activities. Below you will find a brief description of the information required in each of the sections. Please populate each section of your CV with information that is most relevant to the experience and expertise you bring to the proposed research project.
1. Personal Information
Please provide personal information such as Name, Address, and Contact Information. This information will be used for administrative purposes only.
- Peer-reviewers will only have access to your name (no other personal information).
2. Employment
Affiliations (Maximum of 1)
Please provide information regarding your current position that describes the skills/expertise that you bring to the research project.
3. Research Funding History
Please list five (5) most relevant grants.
You may list on-going grantsthat you currently hold as a principal investigator/principal knowledge user, as a co-investigator/co-knowledge user, or as a collaborator and grants that you have held in those roles and are now completed. Information will be collected on the organization bestowing the grant, the grant program, the amount of the grant, other investigators involved in the grant, and the funding start/end date. Please do not include funding that you were awarded, but declined, or funding applications that are currently under review.
- Amounts should be reported in Canadian dollars (CDN$).
4. Contributions
Publications (Most Relevant – up to 5)
Please list your most relevant publications in the form of: Journal Articles, Books, Book Chapters, Reports, Manuals, Clinical Care Guidelines, and/or Conference Publications.
- The limit in this section applies across all publications types. Therefore, the 5 publications you select to submit with your CV can include journal articles, books, book chapters, etc. The combination of publication types you choose to include is at your discretion, but they should reflect the experience and expertise you are able to contribute in the proposed research project.
- Conference publications should include all presentations where an abstract, poster, or short paper was published in conference proceedings following a peer-review process.
- With the introduction of the two Project Grant CV templates, more publication fields have been made mandatory compared to the Academic CV. Therefore, some of your publications may have "errors" due to missing mandatory information. Please note that you will only need to update a maximum of 5 publication entries (the ones you would like to submit with your CV). The rest do not need to be updated.
- Please see the FAQ section for instructions on how to select only certain publication entries to submit.
- Please see the FAQ section for instructions on how to bulk import publications from PubMed and other sources.
5. Activities
Knowledge and Technology Translation Activities (Most Relevant – up to 5)
Please include the Knowledge and Technology Translation activities that best relate to your intended contribution to the Principal Applicant’s proposed research project. Please ensure to provide information regarding:
- The development of KT approaches for application / uptake / dissemination of research findings;
- Occasions where you have been able to translate your work into the real world;
- Occasions where you have developed prevention / intervention programs based on your research work;
- Occasions where you have created/built spin-off companies based on your research discoveries;
- Occasions where you have developed standards / guidelines / etc. based on your research findings.
- For more information on knowledge translation at CIHR, please read the Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR: Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches.
If you are experiencing problems, or have more questions, please contact CIHR at or 1-888-603-4178 to request assistance.
- Date modified: