Health System Impact Program: Partner Linkage Tool

The Partner Linkage Tool, which was used for the 2024 Health System Impact Fellowship Cycle, has been archived. The next anticipated launch for the Health System Impact Fellowship and the associated Partner Linkage Tool is Spring 2025. Subscribe to the IHSPR mailing list for the latest Health System Impact Fellowship and other news.


The Health System Impact (HSI) Program provides highly qualified PhD trainees and postdoctoral researchers in health services and policy research/related fields with the opportunity to develop embedded research projects/programs that address the most pressing problems faced by health system organizations and to support evidence-informed decision-making.

The Partner Linkage Tool, below, is intended to facilitate connections between applicants and organizations that have expressed interest in hosting doctoral trainees and/or post-doctoral researchers. The Partner Linkage Tool includes brief profiles of health system organizations interested in partnering and their priorities of interest. Applicants are invited to review these profiles and submit expressions of interest (EOI) to organizations.

This is not a mandatory tool. Applicants may pursue opportunities with profiled organizations and/or organizations that are not profiled but that meet the definition of "health system and related organization" as defined in the funding opportunities.

Information is provided on a volunteer basis and does not confer any advantages in the evaluation and funding of applications.

Are you a health system organization looking to host a fellow? Fill out our Partner Linkage Tool online form. Profiles will be posted once the competition launches, and the table will be updated regularly thereafter until the application deadline.

Instructions for applicants


The information is provided in the language in which it was submitted by the respondent.

Host partner organizations: Profiles

Contact Information
Name of Organization
Organization's Impact Goal Organization's Priority Areas Type of work Expression of interest eligibility
Ontario Medical Association
Lyn Sibley, Director of Healthcare Evaluative Research
There are a few different areas of high interest to the OMA in which we would work with potential fellows to develop an impact goal. Our current research agenda is focused on primary care, the physician gender pay-gap, and case-mix adjustment. Some other specific areas of interest are physician burnout, team-based primary care, MAID, and physician administrative burden.

The OMA's priority areas are outlined in “Prescription for Ontario: Doctors' 5-Point Plan for Better Health Care”. The five areas are:

  • Reduce wait times and the backlog of services
  • Expand mental health and addiction services in the community
  • Improve home care and other community care
  • Strengthen public health and pandemic preparedness
  • Give every patient a team of health-care providers and link them digitally

Move information is available at OMA.

The fellow would conduct quantitative research using the extensive administrative health data that is housed in the OMA, to address the impact goal that that is collaboratively agreed upon. The fellow would also consult with policy advisors and physicians who are working on the same area of focus and would report their findings to relevant committees and working groups. Doctoral trainees only
Statistics Canada
Fiona Mackenzie (OCEC), Impact and Knowledge Mobilization Facilitator
Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers.

Statistic's Canada's priority areas are specific to child health and wellness and will be in alignment with one or all of the three strategic research areas of One Child Every Child (OCEC). These shared strategic research areas are:

  • Better Beginnings, exploring the health and wellbeing of mothers and children
  • Precision Health, improving diagnosis and treatment for children with chronic and medically complex illnesses
  • Vulnerable to Thriving investigating how to help children with neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions.

While the scope of tasks and responsibilities may be individualized, we are interested in candidates with skills and experience in:

  • Secondary Analysis of Socio Economic and Social Determinants of Health Data specific to Child Health and Wellness
  • Analyzing linked data among health and non-health databases (taxes, justice, education)
  • Environmental scan of data sources and databases related to child health and wellness specific to the Statistics Canada and OCEC shared strategic research themes
  • Quantitative data analysis of existing child health clinical survey and administrative and population based databases
Cardiac Services BC: Quality, Research and Integrated Care Team
British Columbia
Fritha Munday, Project Manager, Research and Knowledge Exchange
Cardiac Services BC sets direction and provides leadership for cardiovascular care. The project goal is to use simulation modelling to project and assess the impact of options for the design of an innovative, sustainable, high quality model of care for providing guideline-directed medical therapy to heart failure patients.
  • The gold standard of treatment for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction includes quadruple therapy (four different classes of medication), however there are numerous barriers to access. This is a priority area of focus at CSBC.
  • This embedded research project will build and test simulation models of different strategies for expediting initiation of quadruple therapy across the province, including:
    • Prescribing protocols (e.g. how best to start and adjust these medications)
    • Clinical roles (e.g. family physician-led, pharmacist-led, team-based)
    • Timing of program implementation (e.g. phased or mass roll-out)
Modeling and forecasting, benefit-harm and cost-utility analysis, policy briefings, integrated knowledge translation and exchange. The deliverables of this fellowship include one peer-reviewed academic publication, a technical report, a policy brief and a presentation. The fellow will be embedded in the Quality, Research and Integrated Care Team at CSBC. Doctoral trainees only

Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS)
Marie-Hélène Chastenay

L'INESSS a pour mission de promouvoir l'excellence clinique et l'utilisation efficace des ressources dans le secteur de la santé et des services sociaux.

Pour réaliser ses évaluations, l'Institut mobilise les données publiées dans la littérature scientifique, celles issues des milieux de soins et services telles les données clinico-administratives, de même que les connaissances et les expériences des personnes concernées, comme les professionnel(le)s et gestionnaires du réseau ainsi que les patient(e)s, usagers, usagères et proches aidant(e)s, dans une perspective d'amélioration des soins et services à la population.

L'une des priorités organisationnelles de l'INESSS, qui compte sur les compétences de près de 300 employés, est d'assurer l'agilité de la collaboration transdisciplinaire et du développement de son expertise interne afin de bien remplir sa mission d'aide à la décision, et ceci, en temps opportun.

À cette fin, trois directions scientifiques réalisent des mandats d'évaluation dans les domaines du médicament, des services de santé et des services sociaux. Ces trois domaines requièrent des compétences de pointe sur une grande diversité d'objets, incluant :

  • Direction de l'évaluation des médicaments et des technologies à des fins de remboursement
    • Biologie médicale
    • Évaluation des médicaments aux fins d'inscription
    • Évaluation des technologies innovantes en santé
    • Produits des systèmes de sang du Québec
    • Thérapies complexes
  • Direction de l'évaluation et du soutien à l'amélioration des modes d'intervention – services sociaux et santé mentale
    • Jeunes et familles
    • Santé mentale
    • Dépendance et itinérance
    • Soutien à l'autonomie des personnes âgées
    • Déficience physique, déficience intellectuelle, trouble du spectre de l'autisme
    • Services sociaux généraux
  • Direction de l'évaluation et de la pertinence des modes d'intervention en santé
    • Cancérologie
    • Trajectoires de soins chrono-sensibles
    • Dépistage des maladies chroniques
    • Modes d'intervention en santé
    • Usage optimal du médicament et des modes d'intervention
    • Protocoles médicaux nationaux et ordonnances associées
    • Amélioration continue en première ligne
    • Pertinence, actes à faible valeur, imagerie

Pour le concours actuel (en vue d'un démarrage en septembre 2024), l'INESSS souhaite recruter un stagiaire postdoctoral ou une personne inscrite dans un programme doctoral pour contribuer à l'analyse et à la priorisation d'activités de développement organisationnel en matière de gestion des talents et des compétences scientifiques au sein d'équipes hautement qualifiées.

Le projet visé s'appuiera sur les compétences de recherche en ressources humaines, en sciences des organisations, en management et/ou en relations industrielles du ou de la candidat(e) pour aider l'INESSS à mieux déployer les capacités scientifiques et managériales de ses équipes.

Les processus d'évaluation et les processus délibératifs de l'INESSS sont structurés autour d'un cadre multidimensionnel d'appréciation de la valeur, tel que décrit dans son Énoncé de principes et de fondements éthiques, qui pose des défis d'actualité en matière de collaboration transdisciplinaire et de proportionnalité des efforts afin de demeurer une organisation agile.

En travaillant de concert à la fois avec l'équipe des ressources humaines de la Direction des services administratifs et celle du Bureau – Méthodologies et éthique de l'INESSS, la personne retenue mènera son projet d'apprentissage et d'intégration des compétences de manière à rencontrer un sous-ensemble d'objectifs parmi les suivants :

  • Identifier et prioriser des besoins de formation et de développement des compétences du personnel de l'INESSS;
  • Identifier et présenter les meilleures pratiques organisationnelles en matière de gestion des talents et de développement des compétences scientifiques;
  • Contribuer à l'élaboration d'un programme de gestion des talents et de développement des compétences adapté aux besoins d'un organisme scientifique de grande taille qui s'appuie sur une contribution harmonieuse du personnel professionnel, technique et d'encadrement;
  • Contribuer aux activités d'analyse réflexive en matière de design organisationnel en proposant une structure interne de gestion des talents cohérente avec la mission d'intégration des savoirs et des données clinico-administratives de l'INESSS;
  • Élaborer un outil d'évaluation ou d'accompagnement de la gestion des talents et du développement des compétences scientifiques.
    Pour y arriver, le ou la candidat(e) mettra en application plusieurs compétences et s'appuiera sur une connaissance générale des :
    • Méthodes mixtes de consultation des parties prenantes
    • Méthodes d'évaluation quantitatives
    • Méthodes d'évaluation qualitatives
    • Analyse et synthèse des données probantes
    • Planification, élaboration et évaluation des compétences
    • Gestion des organisations publiques et du changement

La personne retenue sera soutenue par un duo de gestionnaires expérimentés en matière de méthodologie et de gestion des ressources humaines.

Aucune préférence

The College Of Family Physicians Of Canada
Steve Slade
905-629-0900 x570

Canada's health system is globally renowned for its strong reliance on family physicians, and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is an integral leader that sets standards for education, certifies and supports family physicians, advances research, and advocates for change that advances health and health care through the patient-physician relationship. As part of its corporate objectives, the CFPC aims to:

  • Promote continuity and comprehensiveness of care delivered by family physicians' practices and local/regional health systems.
  • Support family physicians in adapting their competence in areas required by patients and communities.
  • Enhance the contribution of family medicine to health services planning, informed by data and evidence.
  • Promote the unique contributions that certified family physicians make to the health of all people in Canada.
  • Contribute to equitable health outcomes and challenge systemic racism across the functions of the CFPC.

With support from the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine, the CFPC looks forward to working with CIHR Health System Impact (HSI) Fellows to enhance the organization's impact in these areas.

The CFPC invites the creative and inspired thinking of HSI Fellows who see alignment between their research interests and the CFPC's corporate objectives. Linked to ongoing CFPC initiatives, the HSI Fellow will work with content experts to develop questions and lead research in one or more of the following priority areas:

  • Indicator development and analysis of comprehensive family practice, including the breadth of family physician's professional roles in clinical and non-clinical settings as well as the health services they provide in primary, tertiary, and other care settings.
  • Health workforce research, focusing on family physician supply, distribution, mobility, and retention.
  • Research, analyses, and visualizations that depict family practice across diverse geographies, health service areas, and in the context of population and community health needs.
  • Integration of CFPC data holdings, such as membership data, continuing professional development information, and practice surveys, exploring the use of CFPC data to address relevant health system and health care issues.
  • Collaborating with education researchers to illuminate outcomes of medical education, focusing on how the evolution of family medicine training relates to family physicians' future practice patterns, community adaptiveness, career trajectories, and other outcomes.
  • Research related to health professions education that focuses on comprehensive, interprofessional team-based primary care, aligned with the multi-partner “Team Primary Care – Training for Transformation” initiative.
  • Exploration of models of primary care, such as the Patient's Medical Home, that integrate health services, support care providers, and optimize patient health outcomes and population health.
  • Explore how patients and communities can contribute to health system learning that supports all health team members (family physicians, interprofessional members and patients/communities).

The HSI Fellow will engage and collaborate broadly, including with colleagues from across all divisions of the CFPC, CFPC members affiliated with university-based departments of family medicine, community-based family physicians, and partners within other health organizations. The HSI Fellow will develop their professional network and build relevant experience in health systems research and policy, in addition to the opportunity to conduct research relevant to their skills and interests using CFPC-held data.

Work opportunities will focus on a broad range of policy and research related activities, such as:

  • Co-creating research designs with family medicine/primary care researchers and patient-partners, producing outcomes (results, findings) with practical applications.
  • Interaction with policy developers, CFPC committees and working groups, decision-makers, and other key constituents to define information needs and to bring evidence to health system change.
  • Application of PhD-level research knowledge and skill to activities such as information gathering, quantitative and qualitative analysis, data visualization, manuscript creation, and conference/meeting/webinar presentations.
  • Mentorship and coaching – the HIS Fellow will have opportunities to share their unique knowledge and expertise, and also to learn from content experts and mentors within the family medicine community.
  • Integration of diverse data sets held by the CFPC and other sources to generate new evidence and insight on health system improvement that meets patient, community, and population level health needs.

With its head office in Mississauga, Ontario, the CFPC is a pan-Canadian, distributed organization that supports remote work and collaboration across Canada.

Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Horizon Health Network
New Brunswick
Barry Strack

Horizon Health Network is the second largest regional health authority in Atlantic Canada and operates 12 hospitals and over 100 medical facilities throughout the province. Our 1,242 physicians and 14,000 employees are dedicated to providing the best possible care to the 500,000 people living within our region. Our mission is to help people be healthy and we understand the importance of addressing issues that impact the health and well-being of people in our communities. That is why Horizon is committed to developing a platform that will enable our researchers and clinicians to collect Real World Data (RWD) from our patients, including underrepresented groups like children, older adults, patients from diverse ethnic groups, and vulnerable populations. We know that Real World Evidence (RWE), generated through carefully-designed research studies, can inform the development of clinical programs and help us understand the impact of these programs on the healthcare system.

Horizon recognizes that Research is Care. Through clinical trials, patients have the opportunity to participate in studies that may provide them with interventions that can dramatically improve their quality of life. However, like other provinces in Canada, over half the residents of New Brunswick live in remote or rural communities, which makes it difficult for them to access hospital-based services, including participation in clinical trials. This is particularly true if they have transportation challenges, which can often be the case for those with limited financial means and those from marginalized populations, both of whom are typically underrepresented in clinical trials. To address the issue of access and to afford all members of our communities with the opportunity to participate in clinical trials, Horizon is developing a Decentralized Clinical Trial (DCT) platform. This platform will employ various remote monitoring and data capture devices so that individuals can participate in clinical trials from their homes, while at work or in school. This will also enable the collection of data under real world conditions, which is critical to understanding the impact of clinical interventions on our population and the health care system.

The post-doctoral fellow will be primarily responsible for:

  • developing strategies for engaging, and maintaining the engagement of, patients participating in Decentralized Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)
  • identify tactics that will help researchers coordinate and integrate clinical trial processes into a DCT platform for the collection of Real World Data (RWD)
  • establish principles that can be used to align clinical trial stakeholders, inform investment priorities, socialize the concept of DCTs and Real World Evidence (RWE), and evaluate the success of innovation in this area
  • establish a future state delivery pathway for researchers, clinical trial participants, and community partners that can be used to communicate and socialize the vision for the collection of RWD through the DCT platform.
  • assess the health systems impact of adopting remote monitoring and data collection strategies for clinical programs that have the potential to be moved from the hospital environment to the community

Post-doctoral fellows only

Alberta Health Services, Emergency Strategic Clinical NetworkTM (ESCN)
Dr. Patrick McLane MA, PhD
Dr. Eddy Lang MD, CCFP(EM), CSQM

The impact goal of the ESCN is to build an inclusive network that supports the advancement of evidence-informed emergency care for all. It is to support quality patient and family centered emergency care driven by education, innovation, and practice changing research through collaboration.

Priority focuses as outlined in our Transformational Roadmap 2022-2025 ESCN Transformational Roadmap ( are:

  • Patient & Family Experience
  • Addressing the Opioid Use Disorder Crisis
  • Integrating Research for Better Outcomes
  • Health Equity
  • Indigenous Health
  • Anti-Racism
  • Organizational Best Practices for Violence Prevention
  • Staff Retention, Moral Distress, Burnout
  • Health System Integration (e.g., Patient Flow; ED Crowding, Transitions from EMS to ED to Hospital or to Primary Care)

Current key areas of work include:

  • Patient Flow
  • Partnered Research to Improve First Nations Members' Emergency Department Care
  • Supporting Initiation of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Emergency Departments for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Violence Prevention in Emergency Departments
  • Treatment Plans for Frequent Visitors to EDs
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) (as an emerging area of interest)

The Health Systems Impact Fellow will lead, facilitate, and support the development and refinement of research questions and methods within the ESCN. The fellow will be integrated into the ESCN leadership team, Core Committee and relative operational and research committees. Fellowship output will include advancement of knowledge/research on the selected area of focus with opportunities to understand how findings could be operationalized to improve patient experience and outcomes and to share findings with academic, clinical, operational, and lay audiences to inform local and provincial policy, procedures, and decision-making in an evolving learning health system. There will be opportunity to collaborate with academic Emergency Medicine programs at the University of Alberta and University of Calgary.

Post-doctoral fellow

Community Living B.C.
British Columbia
Brianne Samson

CLBC is a crown corporation in British Columbia serving adults with the label of Intellectual and/or developmental disability. This population experiences health related needs like the general population. Research also indicates medical co-morbidities and dual diagnosis (developmental disability and mental health diagnosis), are more common than the general population. CLBC's recent strategic plan includes a goal "our actions advance inclusion and accessibility in community". A strategy to meet this goal includes prioritizing Re-Imagining Community Inclusion (RCI), and other shared activities, including access to health and mental health services. Impact goal: researching the experiences/journey's of people eligible for CLBC services in the health care system.

Priority areas include (this will need further conversation as not all of the below areas will be expected to be included:

  • experiences in acute care units
  • experiences in psychiatric units (short stay and tertiary)
  • experiences with discharge from hospital to community (people who are CLBC eligible are commonly ALC in hospital)
  • access and continuity of care with primary care professionals
  • access to community health services (e.g. home and community care)
  • alternative health services (e.g. counselling, naturopathy etc.)
  • access and journeys with the health care system broadly
  • priority populations include people with I/DD who are also experiencing aging related needs (including dementia), and people with mental health and addictions. This includes those who also identify as Indigenous.

This will require further conversation, but it is expected to include:

  • partner consultations (community living and health sectors)
  • environmental scanning
  • quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • lit reviews
  • policy briefs
  • impact assessment
Doctoral trainees only

Alberta Health Services – Neurosciences, Rehabilitation & Vision Strategic Clinical Network
Dr. Kiran Pohar Manhas

The NRV-SCN mandate is to help Albertans see, think, and live. We seek to co-design care transformations through evidence; innovate towards care excellence; and enhance equitable access to quality care. Our projects are patient-centred, evidence-informed, and incorporate research/quality frameworks. We prioritize diverse knowledge from data, research, stakeholders, and implementation science.

Strategic priority areas include:

  1. Examining effective innovations to improve patient flow in ambulatory neurology;
  2. Exploring effective, sustainable inpatient-rehabilitation innovations to improve inpatient flow provincially; and
  3. co-designing a provincial pathway for spinal cord injury to promote care standardization, equitable access, and reduced complications.

The fellow will engage the provincial NRV communities and conduct rigourous, embedded research to advance priority projects. The scope of tasks and responsibilities can be individualized and may include:

  • Literature reviews, grant writing
  • Stakeholder engagement/consultations
  • Program planning and evaluations
  • Mixed-methods research
  • Integrated knowledge translation
  • Scale, spread and sustainability planning
Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Canadian Red Cross Society
Dr. Salim Sohani

To use rigorous research methodology in analyzing and documenting the outcome(s) of the CRC (Canadian Red Cross) supported programs that can help CRC in continuously improving the quality of care provided to the population affected by humanitarian crises and help CRC in sharing the lessons learnt with other community care providers.

  • Humanitarian response
  • Health in emergency
  • Epidemic/Pandemic readiness and response
  • Reproductive, Maternal, newborn, adolescent and child Health
  • Health and climate change
  • Migrant's Health
  • Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis (baseline/end line survey data, continuous monitoring data)
  • Environmental screening
  • literature review to establish best practices
  • policy briefing Modeling and forecasting for Health in emergency

Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research (Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at UHN)
Anne Simard

The mission of the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research (TRCHR) in the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at UHN is to transform and dramatically improve the future of heart health. Its integrated program of research, education and clinical care aims to:

  • Provide the world with new diagnoses, treatments, and tools to help people prevent, manage, and survive the devastating consequences of heart failure.
  • Provide global leadership in the cardiac field and be a magnet for research and clinical talent. As heart failure grows into a Canadian and global epidemic – projected to affect one in five people in Canada over 40 – new and innovative models of care are needed. TRCHR brings its unmatched breadth and depth of expertise, analytics and infrastructure, patient and community engagement together with research and clinical passion to find new ways to meet the staggering health, economic and societal burdens imposed by heart failure.

Through a strategic initiative known as TRANSFORM Heart Failure, TRCHR aims to address the disparities in access and provision of care for structurally disadvantaged and geographically isolated groups.

  • Bring equitable access through technological advances in digital medicine, remote healthcare monitoring, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
  • co- create new models of care that are proactive, personalized and decentralized and that empower patients and communities to manage their health.
  • Develop, assess and evaluate patient and community engagement strategies to change patient outcomes and experiences.
  • Explore and understand dimensions of health inequities in HF prevention, care, and patient outcomes/experiences with providers, organizations and health systems. Visit Digital Innovation for Heart Failure Care

Some examples to be explored:

  • Environmental scanning and/or literature reviews on virtual care and telemedicine best practices and models, inclusion of community participatory research approaches, utilization of virtual care technologies across Canadian jurisdictions (including barriers, enablers).
  • Policy analysis and briefings on emergent issues such as ethics and AI, ethics and virtual care, health care systems design and implementation.
  • Qualitative or quantitative analyses of HF interventions, treatments, patients PROMs/PREMs as part of research studies within the TRCHR
  • Stakeholder consultations and relationship-management across the breadth of programming (e.g., patient support sessions, strategies to engage patient in research as collaborators, leaders and participants, network development and mobilization).
  • KT strategy development and execution to build and expand the community of investigators and interested partners in TRANSFORM-HF (e.g., planning and executing workshops, training sessions, our annual Symposium). Fellow could be involved in all stages from planning to execution to evaluation.
  • Indigenous health and cultural safety are critical components of our training program. Opportunities to work with Indigenous partners and scholars in delivering programmatic activities as well as strengthening overall equity, diversity and inclusion approaches within the initiative.
  • Patient engagement to help translate our research and clinical activities into meaningful impacts for patients, families and caregivers as well as develop tools, resources or workshops for this audience.
Post-doctoral fellows only

Cancer Strategic Clincial Network, Alberta Health Services
Dr. Anna Pujadas Botey

The Cancer SCN's mandate is to lead transformation to improve care across the cancer continuum in Alberta. We have three strategic directions: build a community that strategically transforms care; translate evidence and data to inform priorities, practice, policy, and planning; and, enhance experiences for patients and families, outcomes, and efficiencies.

Strategic priority areas of our work include: addressing the future impact of cancer in Alberta, advancing health equity in cancer, and improving cancer prevention and diagnosis. We support the testing, implementation, evaluation and scale and spread of research and innovations to improve patient and system outcomes.

The fellow will have the opportunity to interact with our broader cancer community, and conduct research supporting the development and implementation of projects that advance our work. Particular activities may include interpretation of cancer-related administrative data, development of evaluation frameworks, execution of implementation science approaches, writing research products, and mentoring junior trainees.

Post-doctoral fellows only

Autism Alliance of Canada
Jonathan Lai

Autism Alliance of Canada is building a community-driven evidence to policy pipeline to inform a National Autism Strategy (NAS), that will be developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The impact goal for this fellowship is to advance Autism Alliance of Canada's work in conducting and supporting health services and policy initiatives that can help support the implementation of a comprehensive and community informed NAS.

Autism Alliance of Canada will use its collective impact structure to advance the health services and policy research at the national level, taking a learning systems approach. The priority areas of the fellowship are aligned with the strategic areas of focus for Autism Alliance of Canada's research and data initiatives:

  1. Fostering Patient, Public and Community Engagement in autism research and policy;
  2. Advancing Research Partnerships and pan-Canadian health services and policy research;
  3. Leveraging Canadian health, social and educational administrative data to generate evidence in community driven priority areas.

This fellowship is a unique opportunity to work with stakeholders, community organizations, researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience across the country to help meet the needs of Autistic Canadians and their families.

All of Autism Alliance of Canada's work includes engagement with first-voice and members with lived experience and we apply an equity lens when collaborating with stakeholders. This fellowship is a unique opportunity for a fellow to work in a small, agile and impactful organization that represents many organizations under its umbrella. The HSI Fellow may undertake the following: policy review, analysis, preparing briefing notes to senior policy makers; stakeholder consultation and qualitative methodologies with member organizations; environmental scanning; research initiatives using population level administrative data and supporting the development of community and clinical registries. The fast-paced, nimble nature of the organization will allow the fellow to undertake rare opportunities at this career stage, including: leading management meetings, facilitate working groups of autism leaders across the country and opportunities to develop and present reports to the Board of Directors. As a virtual organization, location is flexible, offering the ability for fellows from across the Country to apply to this dynamic organization. Autism Alliance of Canada is passionate about the development and training of Health System Impact Fellows. Fellows will be working closely with Dr Jonathan Lai, Executive Director, and Dr Deepa Singal, Director of Scientific and Data Initiatives (both former HSI Fellows) who will ensure deliberate opportunities for growth and development of the core competencies outlined in the HSIF Training Modernization Initiative. Fellows will also work with current HSIF fellows which presents opportunity to harness the power of being in a dynamic HSIF cohort and develop long lasting relationships.

Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) Centre for Evidence-Based Implementation (CEBI)
Karen Mosleh

Gaps frequently exist between what is known from research evidence and what is done in clinical practice. CEBI was established to advance healthcare through research and education to improve outcomes and experiences for patients and their families. CEBI aims to optimize the use of research to produce better solutions to health-related challenges.

Potential priority areas of interest could include (but are not limited to) virtual care, mHealth, health services research, knowledge mobilization, and systems of care for follow-up.


  • Implementation of a follow-up strategy for ST elevation myocardial infarction
  • Smartphone app implementation for communication between healthcare professionals
  • HIV treatment and prevention clinic model evaluation

For further examples of CEBI projects and publications, please see

The nature of the work may include all aspects of implementation and knowledge mobilization. For example:

  • Protocol development
  • REB application
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Environmental scanning
  • Literature reviews
  • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • Implementation and sustainability planning
  • Program evaluation
  • Impact assessment
  • Conference presentations
  • Manuscript writing
  • Teaching sessions about knowledge mobilization
Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Primary Health Care Integration Network, Alberta Health Services
Judy Seidel

The Provincial Primary Health Care Program strives to advance primary healthcare and build an integrated health system for all. We accelerate the development and adoption of a person-centred, integrated health and social care system across Alberta, with emphasis on improving transitions in care for patients and providers across the province.

Potential areas for innovation in primary health care include (but are not limited to):

  • Addressing non-medical determinants of health (e.g., social prescribing, team-based care)
  • System foundations (e.g., models of care to support comprehensive care needs, longitudinal continuity of care)
  • Improving patient experience and flow when accessing health services (e.g., rurality, virtual care)
  • Improving transitions in care
  • Primary healthcare sustainability

We welcome individuals with diverse research and evaluation experiences and backgrounds. Examples of work include:

  • Modernizing primary health care service delivery and policy in Alberta to address population health needs
  • Using a population health approach for research, evaluation and implementation
  • Engaging provincial primary care providers, patients and service partners on care experiences, health system challenges, and implementation considerations.
Post-doctoral fellows only
Groupe Santé Sedna
Marlène Galdin
Fondé en 1992, Sedna Groupe Santé est la plus importante organisation privée au Québec spécialisée dans l'administration et la prestation des soins et services de santé en partenariat avec le secteur public. Notre organisation est avant tout un opérateur clinique dont une des spécialités est la personne vieillisante. Nous regroupons trois filiales principales: le Groupe Champlain, le Groupe Santé Valéo et l'Hôpital de réadaptation Villa Medica. Nous souhaitons être en mesure de présenter les meilleurs modèles cliniques et clinico-administratifs permettant d'améliorer l'accés aux services à la population dans une perspective d'efficacité clinique et d'efficience. Notre objectif est d'être en mesure de mieux identifier les besoins des usagers et résidents que nous désservons pour rencontrer notre intransigeance envers la qualité et pour développer plus en avant notre leadership dans le développement de services, soins, programmes novateurs à valeur ajoutée pour eux et la société. Une de nos priorités stratégiques est de développer nos capacités organsationnelles pour une transition numérique et une meilleure utilisation et gestion des données. Nos champs de travaux portent sur 1- l'amélioration de la qualité clinique et milieu de vie par une meilleure compréhension de nos processus, leur révision, ainsi que 2- une meilleure maitrise des informations cliniques et admnistratives pour viser une meilleure efficacité de nos interventions, particulièrement dans nos filiales de Champlain et Villa Medica. Pour ce faire, nous travaillons sur l'amélioraiotn de la capacité analytique de notre organisation et à celle des processus d'innovation, notamment au regard de la compréhension des besoins d'innovation, et élaborer des projets porteurs en soutenant les équipes à innover ou à adopter des innovations provenant de l'extérieur. Ces innovations peuvent être de nature clinique, technologique ou porter l'élaboration de nouvelles offres de services. Possibilité de rencontrer les comités de direction – le comité d'innovation les usagers et les proches, les gestionnaires et intervenants de la corporation et des filiales. Nous avons plusieurs lieux et comités de rencontre et de partage opérationnels, tactiques et stratégiques Nous réalisons des veilles sur les derniers rapports publics et de recherche, sur les innovations et sur les données probantes pertinentes pour le développemenet de la performance au sens large – Nous participons à plusieurs demandes de subventions et à l'écosystème en recherche et innovation. Nous tentons de présenter régulièrement dans des colloques et être présents dans l'environnement des organismes en santé et en Europe. Nous avons plusieurs experts Ph. D, MSc, MBA, et MD qui peuvent accompagner ou mentorer. Nous sommes en train de développer nos capacités en intelligence d'affaires et analyse de données pour mieux définir les besoins d'innovation et d'amélioration ainsi que la culture de la mesure (l'utilisation des données probantes et d'indicateurs au coeur de la pratique pour déclencher des actions)- Nous faisons de l'évaluation de projets pilote dans une perspective d'adoption. Nous travaillons autant avec des données qualitatives que quantitatives. Nous souhaiterions également débuter des travaux en évaluation d'impact, de valeur et de retour sur investissement. Stagiaires au doctorat ou boursiers postdoctoraux
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (en collaboration avec le CHUM)
Geneviève David
514-890-8000 x 15487
Le CEPPP vise à faire du partenariat avec les patients et le public une science, une culture et la nouvelle norme pour améliorer la santé de tous et l'expérience de chacun. Le CEPPP est basé au CRCHUM qui vise à jouer un rôle de premier plan dans l'amélioration des soins et la promotion de la santé. Il favorise les échanges interdisciplinaires et harmonise les collaborations de recherche en laboratoire, avec les patients et les populations dans le but de promouvoir la santé. Le Health System Impact Fellow sera impliqué dans un des chantiers majeurs du CEPPP (ex. proche aidance, EDI, transformation numérique, démocratie en santé) via nos trois pôles stratégiques (école, laboratoire et réseau), grâce à l'engagement avec une équipe interdisciplinaire de patients et de proches partenaires, de chercheurs, de formateurs, de gestionnaires et d'opérationnels du système de santé. dirigeants. Les approches de partenariat avec les patients et les proches dans les soins de santé et l'éducation médicale varient au Canada. Mesurer la qualité des interventions de santé et de la recherche en partenariat avec les patients et leurs proches au moyen d'indicateurs fondés sur des données probantes peut conduire à une amélioration des professionnels de la santé et de la recherche, de l'expérience des patients et des proches, et des résultats pour les patients, ainsi qu'à des améliorations pour le système de santé et aux coûts des soins et de la recherche.
  • Nous visons à Stage 1: développer une capsule de sensibilisation sur le partenariat avec les proches (revue de la littérature sur les bonnes pratiques et consultations d'experts, co-construction avec des proches partenaires dans le cadre du projet proche aidance;
  • Stage 2: cartographier les bonnes pratiques et cadres éthiques en termes de EDI dans des approches de partenariat.
  • Stage 3: décrire et cartographier la structuration de la mobilisation des savoirs à l'intérieur des systèmes de santé par une approche écosystémique.
  • Stage 4: à co-développer avec le stagiaire sur la thématique du partenariat dans la transformation numérique.
Le boursier sera impliqué dans des domaines d'intérêt prioritaires qui peuvent inclure :
  • Stage 1: développer une capsule de sensibilisation sur le partenariat avec les proches (revue de la littérature sur les bonnes pratiques et consultations d'experts, co-construction avec des proches partenaires dans le cadre du projet proche aidance;
  • Stage 2: cartographier les bonnes pratiques et cadres éthiques en termes de EDI dans des approches de partenariat.
  • Stage 3: décrire et cartographier la structuration de la mobilisation des savoirs à l'intérieur des systèmes de santé par une approche écosystémique.
  • Stage 4: à co-développer avec le stagiaire sur la thématique du partenariat dans la transformation numérique
Stagiaires au doctorat ou boursiers postdoctoraux
Shane Green
Mental health distress remains widespread among youth in Canada, particularly among those who are disproportionately affected by social and structural determinants of mental health. is a national non-profit focused on mental health promotion by providing upstream education and capacity-building programming to youth aged 15-24 across Canada. Our work aims to enhance young people's ability to recognize struggle in both themselves and their peers, seek out appropriate mental health support and resources, and advocate for systems that are better able to meet the needs of young people, especially those most affected by social determinants of mental health.
  1. Augment youth mental health literacy and foster safe and supportive conversations around mental health struggle
  2. Build and empower a community of youth to engage in action to inform, normalize, and educate their peers around mental health and advocate for change
  3. Advocate for youth-informed and youth-serving mental health policies, and practices
  4. Advocate for equitable systems and prioritize anti-oppressive, intersectional, and culturally relevant frameworks to amplify the voices of youth who are systematically excluded from the mental health space
Program evaluation (including planning and data collection), Quantitative and/or qualitative research and data analysis, Literature reviews to identify best practices, Stakeholder engagement and consultation, Environmental scans, Mental health policy analysis, Knowledge translation related to program evaluation and youth-identified advocacy priorities around mental health Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick
New Brunswick
Christine Roherty

Impact goals:

  1. Establish evidence to support the impact of long-term sustainable behavior changes as they relate to chronic disease prevention and maintenance.
  2. Demonstrate the optimization of patient outcomes through community population health programs.
  3. Research usage of cardiovascular disease best practice standards within the NB health care system.
  • Data analysis – qualitative and quantitative
  • Program evaluation
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Literature reviews
  • Impact assessment
  • Environmental scan
  • Policy briefs
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Dr. Bernard Le Foll, VP Research & Academics
705-549-3181 x 2657
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and its embedded research unit, the Waypoint Research Institute, are focused on conducting clinically relevant research, developing methods to better integrate research findings into practice, and engaging patients in research and practice. The impact goal for this fellowship is to integrate researchers within the hospital environment at Waypoint, leveraging a Learning Health Systems framework to enhance patient-centered care, inform clinical decision-making, and reinforce continuous improvement and innovation in mental health services.

The fellowship will be associated with one or more of the following priority areas:

  • Supporting service integration, addressing gaps in care, and coordinating access across the region
  • Supporting high quality care and reducing violence in forensic settings
  • Conducting and applying patient-oriented research
  • Using digital tools to support the integration of care while fostering data governance, quality, and literacy
  • Understanding gaps and needs in mental health workforce and retention and recruitment issues at Waypoint

The fellow will contribute to research projects in one or more of following ways:

  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis
  • Literature reviews and knowledge syntheses
  • Stakeholder engagement, including patient engagement
  • Program development and evaluation
  • Knowledge mobilization for practice, research, and policy audiences
  • Implementation science and practice
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Provincial Addiction and Mental Health, Alberta Health Services
Michele Dyson
Provincial Addiction and Mental Health (PAMH) is one of Alberta's Integrated Provincial Teams. Recently, Alberta Health Services has upgraded and migrated many of their clinical systems to Connect Care, a province-wide electronic health record. This change in technology poses new questions about data collection and best practices in mental health.
  • Information systems, data linkage
  • Addictions and Mental Health (AMH) tools
  • Patient reported outcome/experience measures (PROM/PREM)
  • Strengthening financial health and operational best practices as they relate to Connect Care

We welcome the opportunity to work with interested candidates who have a background in health information systems, clinical informatics, or a related field. Examples of work may include:

  • Quantitative data analysis and reporting
  • Work with large administrative data sets
  • Environmental scanning and/or literature reviews
  • Knowledge translation and implementation science
Post-doctoral fellows only
Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network (CC SCN), Alberta Health Services
Dr. Samantha Bowker
The CC SCN has a goal to support creation of knowledge that will improve the patient and family experience, integrate research and implement best practices to improve outcomes, promote the dissemination of new knowledge, and foster collaborations and partnerships between researchers, educators, patients and families, and other CC SCN stakeholders.
  • Identification, management, and epidemiology of sepsis;
  • ICU patient flow, including avoidable time in ICU, ICU bed utilization and capacity strain;
  • Biostatistics to support evolution of a Learning Health System by creating a “living atlas” of critical care;
  • Sedation and analgesia clinical best practices.

The HIS PhD/Fellow will apply epidemiological, quantitative, and/or qualitative skills, which may include:

  • Environmental scanning;
  • Literature reviews and/or systematic reviews;
  • Quantitative or qualitative data analysis;
  • Economic evaluation;
  • Impact assessment;
  • Stakeholder consultation in the form of focus groups or interviews
  • Sustaining critical care clinical best practices
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Alberta Health Services (AHS) Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, in conjunction with AHS Neurosciences, Rehabilitation & Vision Strategic Clinical Network
Dr. Chester Ho & Dr. Lynette Lutes
The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital is one of the largest freestanding rehabilitation hospitals in Canada. It is a leader in tertiary rehabilitative care, research and education, serving patients of all ages who require inpatient and outpatient, complex rehabilitation to enable them to participate in life to the fullest.

Strategic priority areas include:

  1. Determining population-based rehabilitation needs and outcomes in Alberta through administrative and clinical data collection and analysis;
  2. Exploring efficient and effective rehabilitation patient flow along the continuum of care; and
  3. Identifying and implementing patient-centred best practices in the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team setting.

The fellow will engage the Glenrose leadership and the Neurosciences, Rehabilitation & Vision Strategic Clinical Network to conduct rigourous, embedded research to advance priority projects. The scope of tasks and responsibilities can be individualized and may include:

  • Literature reviews
  • Database analysis
  • Grant writing
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Mixed-methods research
  • Integrated knowledge translation
Post-doctoral fellows only
Alberta Health Services, Hospital Medicine Section of the Medicine Strategic Clinical Network
Dr. Lesley Soril, Assistant Scientific Director, Medicine Strategic Clinical Network
The HSIF Impact goal is aligned with the overall goal of the Hospital Medicine Section of the Medicine Strategic Clinical Network™ – to evaluate health system performance and to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure that high-quality, integrated, and patient-centred care is provided across the continuum of hospitalization.

Leveraging provincial administrative health data and electronic health records, the HSIF plays a key role in addressing the following priority areas:

  • Develop an understanding of Hospital Medicine service provision;
  • Develop an understanding of the key characteristics of individuals admitted to the Hospital Medicine Service and in particular ways in which to define their medical complexity and patient acuity;
  • Identify variations in patient, hospital, and workforce characteristics in Hospital Medicine across Alberta.
  • Chart review of electronic health record to validate existing algorithms in the identification of Hospital Medicine patients and the most responsible service / specialty in care provision.
  • Quantitative analyses will include descriptive statistics and predictive modelling to understand the factors associated with complexity/acuity, and patient-level and health system-level outcomes and to identify targets for further evaluation and health system improvement.
Post-doctoral fellows only
Alberta Health Services, Respiratory Health Section of the Medicine Strategic Clinical Network
Dr. Lesley Soril, Assistant Scientific Director, Medicine Strategic Clinical Network
The HSIF Impact goal is aligned with the overall goal of the Respiratory Health Section of the Medicine to reduce the impact of respiratory disease on individuals and the healthcare system through innovation application of best evidence, and collaboration with our patients, clinical, operational, regulatory, community, and academic partners.

The HSIF will play a key role in addressing the following priority areas:

  • Design a healthcare system-based health technology assessment (HTA) pathway, referred to as the Medicine Evidence Decision Support Pathway (Medicine EDSP), that will prioritize the clinical and operational decision-making needs of respiratory and other medicine communities in Alberta;
  • Implement and evaluate a 2-year pilot of the proposed Medicine EDSP to support health technology evidence requests from select medicine services in the province, including Respiratory Health, Kidney Health, General Internal Medicine, Hospitalist Medicine, and Digestive Health.
  • Lead evidence syntheses (e.g., systematic reviews, rapid reviews), environmental scans, semi-structured interviews and focus groups to evaluate broad domains of evidence including safety, clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, patient and provider preferences, equity, ethical considerations, operational impact and values to inform optimal use of a given health technology within a local context;
  • Conduct or support quantitative analyses will include descriptive statistics, meta-analyses, economic evaluations, and budget impact analyses to evaluate the broad and direct impacts of adopting, reassessing, and/or funding a new or existing health technology in a medicine service(s) in Alberta;
  • Manage project teams, oversee project progress and timelines, and lead knowledge translation activities, including presentations to expert clinical and operational stakeholder groups, developing evidence and HTA reports and/or briefing notes for healthcare system decision-makers, and writing peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Post-doctoral fellows only
Under One Sky Friendship Centre
New Brunswick
Shelly Rickard
506 458 9269
Under One Sky Friendship Centre is a progressive and expanding Indigenous health and social service organization in Fredericton, NB. We are currently undergoing a period of program expansion leading up to the construction of a new net-zero carbon healing centre and community hub. Community-driven research is at the core of our program development, and we are currently planning or co-leading a number of research projects meant to inform and measure the impact of the programs and services we offer. We are looking to add a researcher to our growing team to help coordinate and guide our research initiatives and partnerships with the impact goal of improving health and social equity for Indigenous people in New Brunswick.
  • Indigenous Early Childhood Education
  • Indigenous primary care and health promotion
  • Urban Indigenous population health data
  • Reproductive, Maternal, newborn, and child health
  • Land-based learning, education, and healing
  • Partnership development and communications
  • Research project management/coordination
  • Proposal writing
  • Data collection/analysis
  • Literature reviews to support best practices
  • Creating community-accessible research reports and presentations
Post-doctoral fellows only
Public Health Ontario
Nancy Ondrusek, Director, Research and Ethics Services
HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellows can achieve impact working with PHO teams to provide scientific and technical advice and support to clients working in government, public health, and related health sectors to protect and promote health and contribute to reducing health inequities. See the CIHR CRPPHE website for more details on the HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Stream. Our trainees will have the opportunity to become part of a pan-Canadian network of fellows working to prepare for and respond to health emergencies in Canadian provinces. Read more about the goal of the CRPPHE co-sponsored stream here.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains a significant threat to the prevention and treatment of an increasing range of infections and is associated with social inequity.

  • The HSIF will employ machine learning to develop AMR prediction models using genomic, microbiological, and epidemiologic data.
  • Developed models will aid in predicting resistance which could inform therapeutic recommendations and stewardship programs. This pipeline can be applied to multiple infectious diseases.
  • Through incorporation of genomic and socio-demographic and health data these models will support equity-informed implementation of programs.

The HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellow hosted at PHO will collaborate alongside a cohort of Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellows across federal and provincial public health agencies to build capability and capacity in health systems and public health research and practice focused on forecasting for future pandemics and emerging threats.

PHO provides scientific evidence and expert guidance that informs policies and practices for a healthier Ontario. Fellow activities may include:

  • Employing machine learning methods to develop prediction models;
  • Interpreting results, developing knowledge syntheses, and contributing to dissemination to a variety of audiences;
  • Contributing to the development of strategy in the priority area.
  • Engage with other HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency fellows and their host organizations to share and learn.
Post-doctoral fellows only
Health Quality BC
British Columbia
Dallas Smith

Health Quality BC has four overarching goals outlining where we're working toward impact:

  1. Individuals accessing health services in BC receive safe care
  2. High-quality primary and community care services
  3. Effective mental health and substance use care
  4. BC's health care system is built on a foundation of quality

Depending on the interest of the successful fellow, Health Quality BC has two priority areas for embedded research:

  • Patient Safety: Exploring efforts that prevent or minimize harm that could unintentionally result from the delivery of care and/or the response to harm when it occurs
  • Economic Impact & Evaluation: Assessing interventions and investments in health system improvement
The Fellow will develop new knowledge and skills related to improvement of health care quality. The specific nature of work will depend on the final project proposal. Work includes but not limited to: strategy development, partner engagement and consultation, data analysis, program evaluation, economic evaluation, impact assessment and/or measure development. Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Institute for Circumpolar Health Research Northwest Territories
Dr. Sophie Roher
1 867 873 9337
Located in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research (ICHR) is an independent non-profit research organization committed to health research relevant to the circumpolar regions and their peoples. The ICHR strives to improve the health and wellness of northern residents through research, training, research facilitation, Indigenous methodologies, synthesis, exchange, and dissemination.
  • Community-based participatory research
  • Indigenous research priorities and methodologies
  • Training and educating northern stakeholders and research partners
  • Knowledge translation and mobilization
  • Climate change
  • Health services research
  • Food security
  • Social determinants of health
  • Health equity
  • Strategy development
  • Stakeholder engagement and consultation
  • Environmental scanning
  • Quantitative or qualitative data analysis
  • Literature reviews
  • Policy briefings
  • Program evaluation
  • Impact assessment
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
British Columbia Ministry of Health

British Columbia
Julia McFarlane
250 952-3667
The Ministry of Health's goals are to help the Government of British Columbia's work to make life better for people in B.C., improve the services they rely on, and ensure a sustainable province for future generations. Government will focus on building a secure, clean, and fair economy, and a province where everyone can find a good home – whether in a rural area, in a city, or in an Indigenous community. B.C. will continue working toward true and meaningful reconciliation by supporting opportunities for Indigenous Peoples to be full partners in an inclusive and sustainable province. The policies, programs and projects developed will focus on results that people can see and feel in four key areas: attainable and affordable housing, strengthened health care, safer communities, and a secure, clean and fair economy that can withstand global economic headwinds. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to undertake projects related to these goal areas over the fellowship period.

In alignment with the overarching mission and impact goals, the following priority areas have been designated as options for this fellowship competition:

  • Primary and Community Care
  • Wait Time Reduction
  • Seniors Care
  • Pharmaceutical Services
  • Mental Health and Addictions
  • Maternal and child health care
  • Cultural safety, diversity and inclusion
  • Population and Public Health
  • Other related disciplines
The successful fellow will have a range of opportunities to focus on health system innovations within one of the priority areas and on-going Ministry initiatives that require planning, strategy development, policy analysis, stakeholder consultations, jurisdictional reviews/environmental scanning, program/service evaluation and data analysis (qualitative and quantitative). Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Health Science North Research Institute
Robert Ohle
We are focused on improving the health and quality of life of Northern Ontario Communities. Our goal is to embed research into hospital and community clinical programming to optimize our health care delivery.
  • Optimization of data storage and practical access for clinical care
  • Human resources
  • Optimization of recruitment and retention of allied health care and nursing staff
  • Quality improvement
  • focus on quality improvement indicators
  • Mental Health and Addictions
  • Cancer Solutions
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Indigenous Health
  • Critical care research
  • Surgical Research
  • Anesthesia Research
Embedded researchers would be involved in all aspects of program development, implementation and evaluation. This includes structured stakeholder engagement, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, literature reviews, economic evaluation, modelling and impact assessment. Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
St. Joseph's Health System Centre for Integrated Care
Lindsay Klea
The primary goal of the Centre for Integrated Care is to simplify the process of receiving timely and adequate healthcare. We work with partners to advance the science, understanding, and spread of integrated care across health care settings. We prefer practical and simple innovations that fit within existing budgets and human resources. We want to improve how care is delivered and experienced both for those receiving and providing care. We are in search of solutions to integrate people and systems and remove barriers that get in the way.

Priority areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Home and Community Care models
  • Focus on congregate and dense housing neighbourhoods
  • Transitional models from hospital to home
  • Decision support analysis and artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Home and Community Care Support Services Navigation Solutions
  • Decision support analysis and artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Low-Income Housing (residential care facilities, boarding houses)
  • Case management and coordination of services
  • Digital Integration and Information Sharing
  • Information-sharing solutions that connect the continuum of care (home and community care, Long-Term Care (LTC), acute care, primary care) and advance holistic person-centred care in whatever care setting they are in
  • Data platform for quality improvement (QI) and evaluation
  • Remote monitoring

Candidates will work in coordination with internal and external health system partners to contribute to the design and evaluation of integrated care interventions and care models. Candidates will be expected to lead sub-projects and grow their own leadership. Assets include:

  • Knowledge of sector-specific issues and dynamics.
  • Experience working with health system partners.
  • Quantitative analytical data experience.
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Alberta Health Services – Provincial Population and Public Health
Gary Teare, Scientific Director
Provincial Population and Public Health (PPPH) reaches through and beyond health care facilities, and far into the community, to promote and protect the health of Albertans. We seek a Fellow to collaborate on impactful, sustainable population health innovations for better, equitable health of people in Alberta.
  • Improve immunization coverage – infant; school-based; adult 
  • Cancer screening programs – increasing uptake; innovative methods 
  • Partnering with communities, schools, workplaces and health care to promote health 
  • Sexually transmitted and blood borne infections – innovations to address unprecedented incidence 
  • Disasters – resilience and response
  • Nicotine/tobacco/vaping use reduction and prevention

We welcome individualizing the scope and duties with interested candidates of diverse of research and evaluation backgrounds. Examples include:

  • Stakeholder/Community Engagement and Consultations
  • Literature Reviews and Grant Writing
  • Knowledge Production (Quantitative/Qualitative)
  • Program Planning and Evaluations
  • Impact Assessments and Cost-Effectiveness
  • Scale, spread and sustainability planning
Post-doctoral fellows only
Well Living House, Unity Health Toronto
Dr. Janet Smylie
416-864-6060 x77454

The Well Living House is an action research centre that aims to nurture places and spaces where Indigenous children, youth, adults, and elders can find peace, love, and joy. In particular we focus on advancing generative health services for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples (FNIM) in Canada.

  • Advancing health systems performance measurement for FNIM populations by developing and demonstrating infosystems models, methods, and standards;
  • Addressing anti-Indigenous racism at healthcare provider and system levels by refining and scaling-up novel assessment tools and management strategies;
  • Expedited policy and practice translation of local community innovations using Indigenous KT and evaluation methods.

We work in partnership with FNIM Elders, health service providers, and organizations using advancing Indigenous research partnership methods that are rooted in Indigenous paradigms, knowledge, and practices.

Fellows will be immersed in applied and impactful Indigenous population health and health service research that is co-led by Indigenous scholars and Indigenous community leaders. We employ advanced quantitative and qualitative Indigenous methodologies across the priority areas listed above.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Eric Sutherland

The successful applicant will support OECD countries by analysing policies to improve the performance and resilience of health systems, focussing on one among the following:

  1. strengthening the health care workforce;
  2. modernising health systems through digital transformation and stronger patient centeredness;
  3. reducing gaps for gender and health

Using comparative policy analysis, indicators development, and modelling techniques to support:

  • Resilience and preparedness
  • Patient centeredness
  • Improving care safety and quality
  • Digital transformation of health systems
  • Modernising health workforce and delivery models
  • Public health and prevention
  • Health and climate change
  • Gender and health
  • Strengthening long-term care
  • Pharmaceutical markets transparency

The successful applicant will:

  • Take part in the analyses of selected health policies;
  • Draft analytic, statistical and policy-relevant reports;
  • Summarize the state of existing knowledge in a form readily accessible to policy makers;
  • Engage in consultations with countries experts and policy makers;
  • Perform quantitative or qualitative data analysis.
Post-doctoral fellows only
Réseau de santé Vitalité Health Network - Research and Health Evaluation
New Brunswick
Erika Dugas

One of Canada's 2022 Top 40 Research Hospitals, Vitalité Health Network is a regional health authority providing health services in New-Brunswick. The fellow will contribute their expertise to support integration of evidence-based best practices into clinical activities to address complex healthcare challenges and to change the way health systems implement and sustain integrated care interventions.

  • Primary care
  • Patient flow
  • Learning Health Systems
  • Senior health
  • Mental health
  • Provide support to the organization's goal of becoming a Learning Health System that enables rapid implementation, evaluation, spread, scale, and sustainability of effective and equitable integrated care interventions to achieve the quintuple aim (i.e., improved outcomes for patients, providers, health system, population health, and health equity).
  • Review of evidence-based best practices relevant to health system priorities
Post-doctoral fellows only
19 To Zero
Alberta (Work will be remote)
Madison Fullerton
Director, Research and Community Engagement

19 to Zero is a not-for-profit coalition of academics, public health experts, behavioural economists, and creative professionals working to understand, engage with, and ultimately shift public perceptions towards healthier behaviours. 19 to Zero originally launched with a focus on encouraging safer public health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the not-for-profit is working on care deficit issues, including recovering routine immunization uptake, cancer screening and other chronic disease management, mental health issues, etc. We work extensively with health systems partners ranging from political (cabinet), bureaucratic (ADM/DMs), health systems (e.g., AHS, Women's College Hospital), other NGOs, etc.

  • Ongoing COVID-19 work (e.g., vaccine uptake, antibody treatments, etc.)
  • Recovery of routine childhood and adult immunization uptake
  • Recovery of cancer screening and other chronic disease (e.g., hypertension, diabetes) management
  • Implementation of new cancer screening methodologies (e.g., HPV primary testing)
  • Expanding community engagement work with traditionally underrepresented communities such as newcomers (refugees, foreign aid workers, etc.), Indigenous, rural and remote, LGBTQ+, etc.
  • Utilizing and evaluating administrative data to look at topics such as real world vaccine efficacy, etc.

19 To Zero uses a multimodal approach to address behaviour change, which typically includes: identifying the need/ issue through partner engagement, developing a strategy to promote positive behaviour change, stakeholder consultation and engagement, primary and secondary research to identify needs and interventions, execution of project plan, policy briefings to inform the government and attain resources, and overall impact evaluation. The specific work a Fellow would do would depend a lot on their interest but ultimately we would like to enable and support them to oversee all of the processes above for a specific issue such as those listed in the priority areas section.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
BC Centre for Disease Control, BC Observatory for Population and Public Health
British Columbia
Kate Smolina

The BC Observatory for Population and Public Health conducts non-communicable disease, injury, and risk and protective factor surveillance. This project is advancing initial work develop surveillance tools that capture patterns of disease comorbidities across the BC population. This project will generate knowledge products for provincial and regional health authorities and decision makers.

  • Chronic disease multimorbidity surveillance
  • Machine learning techniques for administrative data
  • Data visualization
  • Quantitative data analyses using admin data (network science and unsupervised machine learning)
  • Epidemiological statistics
  • Dashboard development (R Shiny)
  • Knowledge translation products
  • Partner consultation
  • Presentations to public health leaders and decision makers
  • Scientific manuscript writing
Post-doctoral fellows only
Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)
Bureau d'aide à la recherche

En tant que centre d'expertise et de référence en matière de santé publique au Québec, notre objectif est de faire progresser les connaissances et les compétences, de proposer des stratégies ainsi que des actions intersectorielles susceptibles d'améliorer l'état de santé et le bien-être de la population. Nos stagiaires auront l'occasion de faire partie d'un réseau pancanadien de boursiers et boursières qui œuvrent pour la préparation et la réponse aux urgences sanitaires dans les provinces canadiennes. Pour en savoir plus sur l'objectif du volet cofinancé par le CRPPUS, cliquez ici.

Le projet devrait porter sur les grandes tendances qui auront un impact sur la santé publique :

  1. Progression des disparités structurelles et des inégalités sociales,
  2. Vieillissement de la population
  3. Migration des populations et diversification démographique
  4. Changements climatiques
  5. Augmentation de la fréquence et de l'ampleur des menaces et urgences sanitaires, notamment de nature infectieuse et environnementale
  6. Changements sociétaux associés à la transformation technologique et informationnelle
  7. Transformation du monde du travail.
  8. Nous souhaitons aussi développer des expertises en matière d'analyse économique en santé publique, d'implication des parties prenantes et de participation citoyenne.

Dans la perspective de former une relève de qualité, la personne stagiaire bénéficiera d'un encadrement personnalisé pour développer ou perfectionner ses compétences à l'interface des connaissances et des pratiques en soutien à la santé publique à travers cinq domaines d'activité :

  1. Services spécialisés de laboratoire
  2. Surveillance et vigie
  3. Synthèse et transfert des connaissances
  4. Recherche et développement
  5. Évaluation quantitative, qualitative ou mixte.

La personne stagiaire pourra ainsi appliquer ses connaissances théoriques en santé publique, en traitement, analyse et interprétation de données, en planification et évaluation de politiques et de programmes, en partenariats et collaboration, en diversité et inclusion, en communication et diffusion de l'information et enfin en leadership.

Stagiaires au doctorat ou boursiers postdoctoraux
Michael Garron Hospital
Kelly Smith
416-469-6580 ext. 2843

Our hospital and Ontario Health Team is looking to improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of healthcare delivery across an integrated healthcare system. Our growing embedded research program here at Michael Garron Hospital aims to advance the quality and safety of care through an equity lens and in partnership with our patients and our community. We are interested in providing opportunities for doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows whose areas of interest fit with our programmatic priorities.

Our organization is currently seeking applicants with an interest in:

  • Hospital or community patient safety
  • Advancing equity in maternal and fetal health
  • Advancing equity within an integrated healthcare system
  • Systems-based approaches to improving patient safety along the care continuum
  • Developing strategies for embedding quality improvement capacity in integrated care
  • Applying systems-based improvement strategies within the emergency department
  • Codesigning equitable data governance strategies for advancing integrated care systems

We anticipate that the different priorities will offer a variety of opportunities to embed with frontline care teams and leaders to advance skills in:

  • Codesigning patient safety improvement initiatives
  • Stakeholder engagement and consultation
  • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • Literature reviews and environmental scans
  • Strategy development
  • Program evaluation and impact assessment
Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Tłı̨chǫ Government / Department of Healing and Community Wellness
Northwest Territories
Crystal Milligan
(867) 766-4003 ext. 1014
Tłı̨chǫ Government aims to create opportunities for Tłı̨chǫ citizens to engage in healing and wellness. To this end, we are developing an addictions-to-wellness strategy, developed and implemented through interorganizational and community partnerships, with the goal to enhance support for Tłı̨chǫ citizens in their journeys toward addictions recovery and wellness.

We will build our evidence base to inform innovations and programming/services in addictions recovery/healing. The candidate will lead/support strengths-based research in one or more priority areas, such as:

  • Epidemiology of addictions
  • Cost-benefit analysis and best practices in First Nations-led treatment centres
  • Community aftercare and case management.
While the scope and responsibilities will be tailored to the candidate, varied tasks may include surveys, data analysis, literature reviews, economic evaluation, program evaluation, environmental scanning and/or community consultation. We are particularly interested in applicants with skill and experience in quantitative data analysis and Indigenous methods of research/evaluation. Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow
Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être
Georges Charles Thiebaut
(819) 349-8223
Le mandat du CSBE est d'évaluer la performance du système de santé québécois pour éclairer la prise de décision gouvernementale. Son modèle d'évaluation axé sur la valeur soutient la proposition de recommandations pour lever des barrières systémiques qui nuisent à l'amélioration de la santé et du bien-être de la population. Face à la nécessaire transformation du système pour faire face au vieillissement de la population, nous souhaitons réactualiser le concept de responsabilité populationnelle. Les objectifs sont - clarifier le concept de responsabilité populationnelle et son application - analyser les expériences internationales - concevoir et appliquer un cadre d'évaluation

L'évaluation de la performance mise sur la triangulation de l'évaluation chiffrée, de l'éthique et des politiques publiques). Le travail implique

  • Scan environnemental de la responsabilité populationnelle
  • Consultations avec les acteurs clés
  • Conception et application d'un cadre d'évaluation de la responsabilité populationnelle intégré aux travaux du CSBE
Boursiers postdoctoraux seulement

CancerCare Manitoba Health Services Research Lab
Megan Delisle

The Health Services Research (HSR) Lab is dedicated to measuring, implementing, and supporting the most effective, efficient, and sustainable ways to deliver high quality cancer care for the population. Initiatives span the cancer control continuum, from screening and diagnosis to treatment, survivorship, and end-of life care. We work side by side with basic and translational research (understanding how cells function and how cancer starts, grows, and spreads and then translating these results into improved treatments and therapies), clinical research (studying promising treatments and tools in people as part of clinical studies), and patient experience research (studying the interactions between patients and the health care system). Our work represents the overlap between the provision of clinical care and research and innovation at the population level.

Our research focuses on three areas:

  • Data Science - Our aim is to make data more accessible and more efficient to use. Outputs include practical and accurate tools that improve data accessibility and research efficiency for use by clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders.
  • Delivery Science - Our aim is to evaluate the impact of existing and novel models of health care delivery on cancer outcomes and explore the impact of public policies and system-wide changes on cancer outcomes. Outputs include information for use by clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders so they can prioritize gaps in care and solutions to strengthen the cancer care system.
  • Implementation Science - Our aim is to identify barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based innovations across multiple levels of organization and stakeholders and to develop and apply strategies that overcome barriers and enhance facilitators to adoption. Outputs include solution that strengthen the cancer care system through regional, provincial, national, and international initiatives.

Our overarching goal is to conduct innovative and rigorous research that improves the availability of novel data for cancer research, enhances our knowledge about the impact of health care delivery on cancer outcomes, and increases our understanding of how to best implement evidence-based practice that improves cancer care. The nature of the embedded work a Fellow would do can vary based on their interest and expertise but ultimately we would like to enable and support them to oversee all of the processes for a specific issue related to those listed in the priority areas section.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow

Government of Manitoba (Manitoba Health) - Data Science Program
Tyler Amos

Manitoba has unique but underutilized data perfectly suited for Real-World Evidence (RWE). The Fellow will be the founding provincial RWE scientist and lead projects which leverage our advantage to deliver research on innovative health technologies and products, focused on addressing health inequities.

  • Generate RWE on innovative pharmacological and technological interventions to address health inequities.
  • Evaluate comprehensive intervention effectiveness, including socio-economic and demographic factors around differential effectiveness/outcomes.
  • Develop measures of systemic effectiveness for innovative health technologies and treatments at a population level.
  • Establish a research agenda for RWE in Manitoba.
  • The Fellow will be embedded in an interdisciplinary group of computational experts in Manitoba Health's in-house R&D lab and work directly with health system leaders and external project partners.
  • The Fellow will design, lead, and implement quantitative research projects which shape strategic decisions within the health system.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services
British Columbia
Deborah Ross

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS), under the Provincial Health Services Authority, provides provincial specialized assessment and treatment services for people with complex care needs. This includes individuals facing challenges related to mental health, substance use, and/or development disability, and those involved in the provincial criminal justice system.

BCMHSUS also engages in province-wide mental health promotion and literacy, leads and partners on ground-breaking research, and works in partnership to strengthen the provincial system of care.

BCMHSUS's renewed strategic plan (2023 to 2026) includes the following key priority areas relevant to the Health System Impact Fellowship Program:

  • Indigenous-Specific Anti-Racism & Cultural Safety

    We are strongly committed to eliminating Indigenous-specific racism, embedding Indigenous cultural safety and humility, and improving Indigenous health and wellness through close partnerships with Indigenous community partners, to facilitate Indigenous peoples' access to our services and to provide care that meets the needs and preferences of Indigenous clients and patients.

  • Learning, Growth, & Innovation

    We are provincial leaders in clinical care, professional development, and research, in service of improving care outcomes and the experiences of clients, patients, and families, as well as advancing system-level improvements. We are committed to strengthening BCMHSUS as a learning health system and constantly learning from and improving how we fulfill our mandate and deliver the best care possible for those we serve. We work in partnership with people with lived and living experience to advance our work in ways that are meaningful and relevant to those we serve.

IMPACT GOAL. To strengthen BCMHSUS as a Learning Health System, invested in advancing knowledge and innovation.

Within a Learning Health System Framework, a Health System Impact Fellow may play a role in the following key areas of work:

  1. Strengthen capacity to collect, link, analyze and share quantitative and qualitative data to better understand the needs, experiences and perspectives of people living with complex mental health and substance use health (MHSUH) concerns, such as:
    • Supporting the development – In partnership with researchers, clinical/ operational leadership, our Provincial MHSU Network, and our data analytics team – of a framework to guide the creation of a linked data set to inform system/service planning and improvements across BCMHSUS, building from current structures and related learnings in one program (such as through the Reducing Overdose and Relapse (ROAR) Canada study), and working with operational/ clinical leadership to identify core indicators and measures across the client/patient journey into, through, and out of our services.
    • Ensuring we have robust culturally safe data structures to gather information about Indigenous persons living with complex MHSUH concerns to better understand and ultimately better meet their needs.
  2. Establish strategies and supports for the systematic prioritization, mobilization and implementation of evidence- and knowledge-based practices to inform and facilitate system and service improvements across the continuum of care, such as:
    • Conducting research and evaluation related to explore best practices for improved MHSUH outcomes among people within correctional health system. The Guthrie project is a large-scale evaluation of the Guthrie House program at Nanaimo Correctional Centre to explore the impact of therapeutic communities in correctional sites on the health of clients who use drugs.
    • Conducting an environmental scan and support foundational work to inform and help to shape renewed models of care for BCMHSUS's Forensic Psychiatric Services and Correctional Health Services and meet the needs of clients in these two BCMHSUS programs.
    • Strengthening and expanding BCMHSUS's Evidence in Care program, including:
      • identifying knowledge and practice gaps at BCMHSUS,
      • conducting evidence reviews to guide policy and practice change that includes commitments to principles of equity, Indigenous cultural safety, and anti-racism,
      • providing implementation supports to put evidence into practice across BCMHSUS clinical program areas.

The successful fellow will have a range of opportunities based on areas of focus, including:

  • Transitioning data collected through the ROAR Canada study and other key data infrastructure into a robust data linking and data management framework to inform clinical care and system improvement across BCMHSUS.
  • Leading culturally responsive data analysis, and establishing culturally safe data structures, to better identify and address the needs of Indigenous people living with complex MHSUH concerns.
  • Conducting quantitative and qualitative research, evaluation, and data analysis as part of the Guthrie project to explore outcomes and identify best practices for people living with complex MHSUH within the correctional health system and relating to therapeutic communities.
  • Conducting literature reviews and environmental scans to inform the development of a renewed model of care for BCMHSUS's Forensic Psychiatric Services and Correctional Health Services.
  • Conducting literature reviews, evidence briefs, and knowledge exchange activities to inform policy and practice change within various BCMHSUS's clinical program areas, as part of the Evidence in Care program.
  • Other opportunities may be possible, depending on applicants' skills, experience, and interests.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow

Manitoba Health / Data Science Program (DSP)
Tyler Amos

The MH-DSP is Manitoba's lead agency for data science, supporting departments across Manitoba in using advanced data analytics to inform decision-making. This fellowship project focuses on the effects of extreme heat on the health of Manitobans. This work would help Manitoba be better prepared for the effects of climate change.

  1. Leverage access to detailed health records to inform the health impact of extreme heat events on population morbidity/mortality.
  2. Asses how heat-related illnesses vary across socio-demographic groups, and identify vulnerable populations.
  3. Investigate effectiveness of different metrics that capture the risks of heat stress on people.
  • The Fellow will be embedded in an interdisciplinary group of computational experts in Manitoba Health's in-house R&D lab and work directly with health system leaders.
  • The fellow will use quantitative data analysis, modeling and forecasting techniques to understand and prepare for the effects of extreme heat on the health of Manitobans.

Doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow

BC Ministry of Health, Office of the Provincial Health Officer
British Columbia
Xibiao Ye

The Office plays an independent leadership role in addressing public health issues in BC, with an ultimate goal of improving overall population health and reducing health inequalities. The Fellow is expected to apply data science and epidemiology methods to advance:

  • Reliable and timely data and information on patterns and trends of population health status and health inequalities;
  • Evidence-based public health polices and interventions.
  • Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control (e.g. COVID-10 emergency and immunization)
  • Psychoactive Substances Harm Prevention and Reduction (e.g. Overdose emergency, cannabis regulation, alcohol harm reduction)
  • Environmental Health Protection (e.g. Drinking water protection, environmental contamination)
  • Community Care Facilities Licensing (e.g. support for medical health officer role)
  • Indigenous Health (e.g. Reconciliation, Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act implementation, indigenous health status reporting)
  • Emergency Management (e.g. all hazards emergency preparedness)
  • Health inequalities and social determinants of health
  • Injury (e.g. injury surveillance and prevention)
  • Chronic disease surveillance and prevention, including congenital anomalies and developmental disabilities.

The type of project an awardee could expect to lead/contribute to includes:

  • Machine learning methods for enhancing chronic disease surveillance including mental health and substance misuse surveillance
  • Spatio-temporal models for estimating population heath outcomes and risk factors in small areas or communities
  • Burden of diseases (ie, disability adjusted life years, DALYs) by cause and by risk factor in BC
  • Population health impacts of climate change related exposures such as wildfire associated air pollution and extreme weather
  • Other epidemiological research on etiology, disease patterns, and population health outcomes

Post-doctoral fellows only

Statistics Canada
Fiona Mackenzie (OCEC), Impact and Knowledge Mobilization Facilitator

Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers.

Statistic's Canada's priority areas are specific to child health and wellness and will be in alignment with one or all of the three strategic research areas of One Child Every Child (OCEC). These shared strategic research areas are:

  • Better Beginnings, exploring the health and wellbeing of mothers and children
  • Precision Health, improving diagnosis and treatment for children with chronic and medically complex illnesses
  • Vulnerable to Thriving investigating how to help children with neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions.

While the scope of tasks and responsibilities may be individualized, we are interested in candidates with skills and experience in:

  • Secondary Analysis of Socio Economic and Social Determinants of Health Data specific to Child Health and Wellness
  • Analyzing linked data among health and non-health databases (taxes, justice, education)
  • Environmental scan of data sources and databases related to child health and wellness specific to the Statistics Canada and OCEC shared strategic research themes
  • Quantitative data analysis of existing child health clinical survey and administrative and population based databases


Health Data Research Network Canada
British Columbia
David Parker, Director of Operations

Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) is a pan-Canadian network of member organizations that either hold linkable health and health-related data for entire populations and/or have mandates and roles relating directly to access or use of those administrative data. We support access to multi-regional data, aligned with principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) and supporting Indigenous data sovereignty. Our vision is that data across Canada drive improvements in health and health equity. Our mission is to bring together people and organizations across Canada for transformative and world-leading health data use.

HDRN Canada welcomes HSI fellows, across the country, who are interested in advancing and transforming health and health-related data work in alignment with any of our five Strategic Goals.

  • Develop and Improve Services and Supports for Data Access
  • Diversify and Harmonize Data, and Support Innovative and Privacy-Sensitive Data Use
  • Establish and Strengthen Partnerships and Provide Leadership for Evolving Data Practices
  • Strengthen Data Use to Improve Equity, and Support Indigenous-led Data Sovereignty
  • Ensure Purposeful and Ongoing Public and Community Involvement

The scope of work can be tailored to align with the HSI fellow's specific interests and goals. Examples include but are not limited to: developing efficient and scalable systems to support data harmonization efforts; advancing distributed/federated analytics; contributing to data-related collaborative and trust-building efforts with diverse members of the public; advancing principles of IDEA in data-intensive research; and supporting Indigenous-led data sovereignty. The HSI fellow will also collaborate closely with a member of the HDRN Canada Leads Team, benefiting from mentorship and gaining real-world experience in our governance structure.

Post-doctoral fellows only

BC Centre for Disease Control
British Columbia
Dr. Naveed Janjua

BCCDC provides health promotion and prevention services, analytical and policy support to government and health authorities, and diagnostic and treatment services to reduce communicable & chronic disease, preventable injury and environmental health risks. HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellows can create impact through working with teams at BCCDC focusing on applied health systems and public health research using large integrated datasets that could inform health policy and service delivery design to improve the health of British Columbians; enhancing forecasting capabilities to plan and prepare human and organizational capacity for future pandemics and emerging threats; knowledge synthesis and application of evidence to inform preparedness policies and programs. See the CIHR CRPPHE website for more details on the HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Stream. Our trainees will have the opportunity to become part of a pan-Canadian network of fellows working to prepare for and respond to health emergencies in Canadian provinces. Read more about the goal of the CRPPHE co-sponsored stream here.

The BCCDC priorities include:

  • Big Data, machine learning, mathematical modeling, and knowledge synthesis to improve forecasting capabilities to plan and prepare human and organizational capacity for future pandemics and emerging threats. The HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellow hosted at BCCDC will collaborate alongside a cohort of Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Fellows across federal and provincial public health agencies to build capability and capacity in health systems and public health research and practice focused on forecasting for future pandemics and emerging threats. See the CIHR CRPPHE website for more details on the HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Stream.

The type of work an HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency fellow could expect to lead/contribute to include:

  • integration and analysis of data;
  • reviewing, assessing, and synthesizing complex research findings from scientific literature, and other lines of evidence, to create knowledge translation documents;
  • research and respond to complex questions and issues related to health systems and public health concerns;
  • perform mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, interpret data, identify significant results, draw conclusions and make recommendations;
  • document findings and publish detailed research reports; contribute to program development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; engage with other HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency fellows and their host organizations to share and learn.

See the CIHR CRPPHE website for more details on the HSIF Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergency Stream.

Doctoral trainees or Post-doctoral fellows

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing, Canadian Red Cross
Sonia Hsiung

Social prescribing (SP) addresses the social determinants of health by fostering connections between people, health care providers, social services, and community. The fellow will support in advancing efforts to measure the impact of SP initiatives; this is inclusive and not limited to supporting the development of data standards for SP.

  • Measuring Impact in Social Prescribing (i.e., evaluation, data collection, metrics)
  • Development of Data Standards for SP (e.g., focus on technology and what type of interoperability is required within the SP pathway)
  • Strategy development
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Environmental scanning / Literature Reviews
  • Impact assessment

Doctoral trainees only

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) in collaboration with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH)
Dr. Steven Rebellato
1-877-721-7520 x7487

SMDHU and WDGPH are two of thirty-four public health units responsible for delivering local public health programs and services within their geographic borders. These upstream public health efforts promote health, prevent illness, and reduce inequities. We’re seeking a HSI fellow to analyze the utility and impact of an online chatbot designed to improve accessibility of health-related information and public health services.

As described in current strategic plans, SMDHU and WDGPH are focused on:

  • Building strong partnerships, such as collaborating with health system partners for mutual priorities
  • Innovating programs and services, such as strategically investing in technology
  • Leading the way toward a sustainable Public Health system, such as using value for money principles in everything we do

WDGPH introduced an online chatbot that allows community members to receive answers to health-related questions and navigate services. SMDHU is actively working with WDGPH to introduce the same online feature and understand the impact of an artificial intelligence based Chatbot. The HSI fellow will engage in:

  • Project management
  • Change management and implementation
  • Quantitative data analysis
  • Program evaluation
  • Knowledge mobilization

Doctoral trainees and Post-doctoral fellows

Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver Community Health Services, Supportive Housing Programs
British Columbia
Krisztina Vasarhelyi
604-875-4111 ext 64710

VCH provides care to equity-deserving populations, experiencing complex health challenges. The Supportive Housing Programs offer supportive housing as a health intervention to people with multifaceted health issues (mental health/substance use challenges, acquired brain injuries, complex disabilities) to support their ability to achieve stable housing, facilitate community participation and improve/stabilize health.

  • Evaluate VCH housing models (varied by setting, staffing models/levels, physical structures, etc.) for impact on health and housing stability, with intentional focus on equity-deserving populations (e.g., women, Indigenous people).
  • Develop evidence-based strategy/planning/service delivery to optimize the program.
  • Build embedded monitoring/evaluation capacity to foster the program as a Learning Health System.
  • Evaluate VCH housing models (varied by setting, staffing models/levels, physical structures, etc.) for impact on health and housing stability, with intentional focus on equity-deserving populations (e.g., women, Indigenous people).
  • Develop evidence-based strategy/planning/service delivery to optimize the program.
  • Build embedded monitoring/evaluation capacity to foster the program as a Learning Health System.

Doctoral trainees or Post-doctoral fellows

Vancouver Coastal Health
British Columbia
Susan Sinnott

We aim to drive value-based healthcare through Integrated Practice units (IPUs) within Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). IPUs:

  • share a goal of improving and delivering high-value care for patients
  • measure outcomes that matter for patients, families, staff and providers
  • use data to inform Quality Improvement projects or changes in practice

Leveraging a Learning Health System, a successful model of IPU has been developed within the surgical context at VCH. We seek to explore if this established model can be adapted and applied within the Vancouver Community Setting.

  • Evaluate whether an IPU model from surgery can be applied successfully to the Vancouver Community Setting
  • Adapt elements of the current IPU model to the Community (e.g., readiness assessment, implementation plan, and sustainment)
  • Pilot an IPU in the Community
  • Develop recommendation for the sustainability of IPU in the Community

Doctoral trainees only

Community and Patient Preference Research (CaPPRe)
Dr Simon Fifer

CaPPRe is a consulting group committed to meaningful research that improves engagement and understanding of community and health consumer needs. Through high-quality choice modelling, we quantify what patients and family members value when it comes to their treatment and care. CaPPRe generates evidence to amplify the patient voice and help government, healthcare companies, and other decision-making bodies around the world, including in Canada, make informed decisions based on what people value for improved patient outcomes. We are working closely with research partners and international colleagues (e.g. Patient Preference Project Subcommittee (PPPS) of HTAi’s Patient and Citizen Involvement Interest Group) to incorporate patient preference evidence into health technology assessment (HTA) in a standardised and transparent way.

  1. In collaboration with our international PPPS colleagues, we will be running a series of mock deliberations with members of various HTA bodies, including those in Canada, via an online workshop series. It will provide an opportunity for attendees to work with patient preference information and model how they may use this form of evidence in decision making. The project will inform the development of guidance for HTA bodies on incorporating patient preference information into the deliberative process. The fellow will work with Canadian academic mentor (Deborah Marshall at University of Calgary and PPPS member) to engage with Canadian HTA.
  2. Co-design of DCE-based study to uncover the genomic testing preferences of patients and carers impacted by rare diseases. This project is currently underway in Australia and the intention is to extend the study into Canada. The results will inform the development a policy tool to be used across future genomic testing assessments in HTA.

The fellow will work directly with CaPPRe, PPPS and other research partners to advance the priority projects. This includes the opportunity to collaborate with patient communities, HTA bodies, pharmaceutical industry, and academics specialising in preference research/choice modelling from around the world. Scope of tasks and responsibilities can be individualised. Examples include

  • Project coordination
  • Managing stakeholder relationships and co-design process
  • Developing study materials
  • Quantitative data analysis and interpretation
  • Developing content for mock deliberative workshops
  • Dissemination and knowledge translation

Post-doctoral fellows only

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