What We Heard Report: Operating Grant: Evaluation of Harm Reduction Approaches to Address the Opioid Crisis in the Context of COVID-19 – Supervised Consumption Sites Evaluation
End-of-Grant Virtual Workshop


Infographic: Supervised consumption sites — Key messages from an end-of-grant workshop

Workshop Date: October 28, 2022
Location: Virtual Meeting via MS Teams

Table of Contents


On October 28, 2022, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) hosted a virtual end-of-grant knowledge exchange workshop for four one-year supervised consumption sites (SCS) evaluation projects funded through the Operating Grant: Evaluation of Harm Reduction Approaches to Address the Opioid Crisis in the Context of COVID-19 funding opportunity. This report comprises a synthesis of the evidence presented by the four research teams and a summary of knowledge user and audience perspectives shared during a panel reflections and discussion session.

This funding opportunity supported a fifth multi-year project to assess the program implementation and short-term impact of Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addiction Program (SUAP) Safer Supply Pilot Projects (SSPP). This project was not included as part of this knowledge exchange workshop.


The following information intends to summarize what we heard at the workshop. CIHR has made every effort to share this text with project participants for their review. Any errors or omissions are unintentional. This report should not be taken as a definitive account of research results. Readers are advised to follow up directly with grant recipients for the most current information on their projects.

The meeting book for this workshop is available upon request. Requests can be directed to the CIHR Contact Centre: support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

Workshop Objectives and Agenda

The primary objectives of the workshop were to:

Time (EDT) Item Speakers
12:00 p.m.


Elder Opening

Chair: Samuel Weiss, CIHR-INMHA

Senator Parm Burgie, Métis Nation of Ontario Ottawa Region Métis Council

12:15 p.m. Overview of the Day Samuel Weiss
12:20 p.m. Opening Remarks The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health
12:30 p.m. Project Findings Moderator: Graeme Simpson
12:30 p.m. A rapid assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supervised consumption services in Canada

Patrick McDougall
Savannah Swann

(Nominated Principal Investigator [NPI]: Elaine Hyshka)

12:45 p.m. Investigating access to and outcomes from supervised drug consumption services in British Columbia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic NPI: Thomas Kerr
Mary Clare Kennedy
1:00 p.m. Supervised consumption and COVID-19 in Ontario: An evaluation (SCCONE) NPI: Ahmed Bayoumi
1:15 p.m. Evaluation of supervised consumption services in Montreal in the context of COVID-19 NPI: Sarah Larney
Camille Zolopa   
1:30 p.m. Health Break
1:40 p.m.

Panel Reflections & Discussion

Nicholas Boyce, Cheyenne Johnson, Matt Johnson, Jammy Lo, Jean-François Mary, Patrick McDougall

Moderator: Leigh Chapman
2:40 p.m. Closing Remarks Chair: Samuel Weiss
2:50 p.m. Elder Closing Senator Parm Burgie

Message from the Scientific Director

For over two years, Canada’s overdose crisis has been exacerbated by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the country, harm reduction services, including supervised consumption sites (SCS), have been hampered by public health measures put in place to address COVID-19, including physical distancing, leading to, for example, facility closures and staffing limitations. As a result, there is an urgent need for data on the impact of the pandemic on harm reduction services provided by SCS.

To address this evidence gap, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (CIHR-INMHA) launched the Evaluation of Harm Reduction Approaches to Address the Opioid Crisis in the Context of COVID-19 funding opportunity in the fall of 2020.

Evaluation of both local and national contexts is key to understanding the impacts of SCS on people who use the services and the local community, as well as the pandemic’s impact on this harm reduction approach. Each of the country’s roughly 40 SCS contends with its own social and economic considerations, in addition to varying provincial public health responses to COVID-19. To that effect, this initiative provided funding to a team in each of CRISM’s (Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse) four regional nodes. These four research teams have conducted critical and potentially life-saving work exploring the public health impacts of SCS on people who use SCS services and on the general population before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

These four projects funded through this initiative evaluated several facets of the dual crises, including usage and uptake patterns, barriers to access, flexible formats, holistic and integrated care, advocacy, and resourcing. Through direct interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, several hundred knowledge users (including people who use drugs and SCS staff) were consulted.

In this end-of-grant workshop, research findings were shared alongside the perspectives and expertise of knowledge users — providing a comprehensive view of the topic and enhancing the potential impact of the findings. Knowledge shared through this event can be used to support evidence-based decisions to help ensure safe, consistent delivery of SCS in both regular and adverse public health environments.

The reflections shared at this workshop will be invaluable to the countless lives touched by the ongoing overdose crisis nationally, and I am grateful to the researchers, knowledge users and people with lived and living experience who contributed to these projects and shared their work, perspectives, and ideas with us through this important virtual event.

Samuel Weiss, PhD, FRSC, FCAHS
Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

Project Findings

This session included findings from the four SCS evaluation projects and knowledge user implications as shared by the research team. A brief question and answer period followed each presentation if time allowed, and audience members were invited to make comments and ask questions using the MS Teams chat feature. The presentations and accompanying discussion are summarized below for each project.

Prairies: A rapid assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supervised consumption services in Canada

Presented by: Patrick McDougall, Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, and Savannah Swann, Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation

Nominated Principal Investigator: Elaine Hyshka, University of Alberta

This project, which is still ongoing, seeks to describe SCS utilization patterns before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, analyze the impact of COVID-19 on SCS across different service models and regions, assess staff perspectives on how COVID-19 is shifting care for people who use drugs (PWUD), and describe staff-identified solutions for ensuring SCS access.

The researchers partnered with the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, which organizes a national community of practice for approximately 50 organizations that operate SCS and overdose prevention sites (OPS) in Canada. The researchers also convened a smaller advisory group of SCS stakeholders (i.e., SCS managers and staff, and people with lived and living experience) to provide in-depth feedback on the research protocols, data collection instruments, and recruitment within SCS. Knowledge shared at the workshop included data gathered from Health Canada-exempted SCS.

Preliminary administrative data gathered from 17 SCS demonstrate a dramatic and rapid shift in SCS utilization and outcomes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although total visits to SCS decreased rapidly following the onset of pandemic response protocols, more unique clients visited SCS during the first year of the pandemic compared to the previous year. The researchers note that this could reflect the unpredictability in the drug supply at the time and highlight the corresponding increased need for SCS to ensure safety.

Organizational surveys with 22 SCS, while still preliminary, revealed that almost all sites implemented changes in operations or infrastructure in response to COVID-19. Almost all facilities implemented participant screening and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, and many made operational changes including but not limited to: physical distancing, occupancy limits, hygiene protocols, reducing services and adding physical barriers. In addition, overdose response protocol changes observed because of the pandemic included: requiring staff to wear additional PPE, removing people from a space where a participant was experiencing an overdose, modifying resuscitation practices, and increasing reliance on naloxone. Washroom access was limited to avoid isolated overdoses.

Through semi-structured interviews with 15 frontline SCS staff to date, participants described shifts in care for PWUD, including an inability to meet demand. Many sites operated with reduced capacity and clients were sometimes required to wait outside for long periods, including in extreme temperatures. There was also an increased demand for basic needs (e.g., food, clothing, shelter) resulting from the closure of other community services, and SCS staff were not adequately resourced to meet these needs. Participants also reported changes to SCS atmosphere in response to COVID-19 protocols. For example, having to act as “mask police” detracted from the ability to have supportive client-provider relationships, and having to control movement and gatekeep sterile supplies that used to be freely accessible resulted in a reduced sense of community and self-determination for PWUD.

Several staff participant-identified solutions were outlined to ensure optimal SCS service delivery and emergency response planning. Solutions included: 1) front-line staff and PWUD being included early and often when developing and evaluating programming; 2) maintaining paid sick leave for staff; 3) additional grief support for staff and clients; and 3) maintaining access to community health and social services throughout pandemics or other states of emergencies.

Question and answer period

British Columbia: Investigating access to and outcomes from supervised drug consumption services in British Columbia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Presented by: Thomas Kerr, University of British Columbia (Nominated Principal Investigator), and Mary Clare Kennedy, University of British Columbia – Okanagan

This project aimed to identify the impacts of COVID-19 on SCS delivery, access, and outcomes in Vancouver and Surrey, to inform policy, practice and optimized delivery of SCS.

The team has completed data collection, which included conducting in-depth qualitative interviews with 22 SCS clients in Surrey and 21 SCS staff and operators in Surrey and Vancouver. In addition, more than 400 PWUD completed questionnaires that included measures to assess changes in the accessibility or use of SCS beginning in July 2020.

Of 428 PWUD surveyed between July and November 2020, 13.6% reported difficulty accessing SCS in the last six months. The most commonly reported reasons for experiencing difficulty were: the site being closed or having reduced hours due to COVID-19 (43%), long wait times (39%), the site being too hectic (14%) and fear of getting COVID-19 (9%). Individuals who reported difficulty accessing sites were generally younger and experiencing structural vulnerabilities, including daily crystal meth use, active injection drug use, recent overdose and unstable housing.

Survey results also revealed that 14.7% of PWUD reported a decreased frequency of SCS use since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This decreased frequency of use was associated with self-reported exposure to fentanyl and with individuals’ perceptions that sites were more difficult to access.

Qualitative interviews revealed several key themes. Participants noted reduced quality and increased unpredictability of the drug supply, which motivated SCS use. For example, increased contamination of benzodiazepines in the drug supply motivated individuals to access an SCS for protection from harms, such as being heavily sedated and vulnerable in an unsecured environment. Increased benzodiazepine poisonings at SCS meant that individuals could be monitored at the site for several hours, however, this reduced the site’s capacity for others. Service closures, reductions in operating hours, capacity restrictions, and related increases in wait times impeded access to SCS, leading people to consume substances elsewhere, where they were more vulnerable to harms, including overdose-related harms and exposure to violence.

This study highlights the need for strategies to support SCS access, particularly in the context of future public health emergencies. This includes expanding the capacity of existing sites where there is a demonstrated need, creating temporary/makeshift sites, or enabling flexible episodic overdose prevention services (where providers can observe substance use anywhere and anytime), for example, in community settings.

The next steps for this project include further analysis of service provider interviews to qualitatively explore factors driving changes in SCS delivery, access and outcomes, and further analysis of cohort data to quantify changes in SCS use and outcomes in the COVID-19 era compared to pre-COVID-19.

Question and answer period

Supervised consumption and COVID-19 in Ontario: An evaluation (SCCONE)

Presented by: Ahmed Bayoumi, University of Toronto (Nominated Principal Investigator)

This project seeks to evaluate optimal service models and sustainability of SCS across Ontario during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and to describe the availability and use of SCS services during the pandemic.

The project is ongoing, and the workshop presentation focused on the results of two focus group sessions that identified factors explaining why clients had less access to sites during the pandemic, how this related to access to other clinical and harm reduction services, pressures faced by staff in delivering services, how programs responded, and how sites adapted to changing public and political responses.

Participants highlighted several contextual factors to describe SCS services during the pandemic. These included: staff shortages and burnout; limited access to PPE for staff and clients; clients believing that sites were closed or clients avoiding sites due to perceived risk of contracting COVID-19; increased wait times; ongoing grief and loss for both clients and staff, and a lack of space to gather and support mourning; fewer community mental health supports or group supports; people being moved to shelter hotels or encampments and being dispersed throughout the city where travel to SCS was more difficult; and increased deaths.

The focus groups also explored SCS COVID-19 responses, staff and program changes, and services affected by the pandemic. Examples that were highlighted included: decisions about the use of oxygen during overdoses were impacted (i.e., potential for increased COVID risk), there was a decrease in the number of booths due to physical distancing, people unwilling to follow COVID protocols were denied services, staff were redeployed to work on other public health COVID-19 measures and more inexperienced workers were hired, there was reduced access to extended carries and safer supply, ewer referrals were made to services such as residential treatment programs or violence prevention shelters, and drug checking was put on hold.

Focus group participants noted that during the pandemic, clients had less access to supports within SCS (e.g., “chill out spaces”), clients avoided sites because of their concerns about COVID-19, clients had adverse health outcomes due to decreased availability of other services, staff faced increased pressure and staff-client relationships became more transactional. In addition, services shifted to focus more on acute care and less on prevention and community services. Participants also noted that the uncertainty around whether SCS services were considered essential made planning difficult.

The next steps for this project include interviewing people who use drugs and staff who work at SCS, as well as quantitative analysis of outcomes related to SCS use, including calls to Toronto Emergency Medical Services and admissions to hospital.

Changes in supervised consumption site use and emergency interventions in Montréal in the context of COVID-19

Presented by: Sarah Larney, University of Montréal (Nominated Principal Investigator), and Camille Zolopa, University of Montréal

The aim of this project was to assess changes in the use of SCS in Montréal during the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study collected data from four SCS, including one mobile site. It looked at changes in first-time and total visits, emergency interventions, types of drugs being injected, and harm reduction materials distributed. Researchers compared data collected during the first year of the pandemic to the 24 months preceding the pandemic.

The researchers found a significant and abrupt decrease in total visits to SCS corresponding to the start of the pandemic, likely because of infection minimization protocols put in place that affected attendance. Prior to the pandemic, total visits per month were increasing, and this trend continued in the 12 months following the onset of the pandemic, despite the lower number of total visits. As of February 2021, the total number of visits had not rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. However, the trend of increasing visits over time suggests that these numbers may increase to pre-pandemic levels in the future. There was no change in the number of new SCS clients following the onset of the pandemic.

This study found an increasing proportion of clients required emergency intervention in the 12 months following the onset of the pandemic, including an increase in naloxone administration. This result is consistent with reports of an increasingly toxic drug supply heightening the risk of overdose during this period.

Changes in the drugs being injected were also observed. Clients were asked to self-report what they believed they were injecting, and results show that there were declines in traditional unregulated opioids (e.g., heroin), increases in fentanyl and its derivatives, and an increase in pharmaceutical opioids, possibly reflecting an increase in counterfeit pills and/or safer supply efforts. With respect to non-opioids, unregulated amphetamine injections declined, pharmaceutical stimulant use increased, and no changes were observed with cocaine or other drugs being injected.

When investigating changes in harm reduction materials distributed per month, an increase in needle-syringe distribution immediately following the onset of the pandemic was observed, followed by a declining trend over time. This may be the result of clients stocking up on supplies early on and levels may restabilize over time. Naloxone kit and fentanyl test strip distribution remained consistent in the first 12 months of the pandemic, suggesting that community health efforts were able to respond rapidly to maintain these services.

Overall findings suggest that despite rapid service adaptation intended to keep people safe, the pandemic increased overdose risk. There were changes in the way SCS operated, particularly regarding capacity restrictions to accommodate physical distancing requirements.

Next steps for this project include additional data analysis and drug supply monitoring beyond self-report data and extending the work to look at SCS utilization over future COVID-19 waves.

Question and answer period

Panel Reflections and Discussion

In this session, panelists reflected on the research results presented and discussed the implications and applications of the findings. Panelists included treatment providers, harm reduction providers, and peer workers. Audience members from various backgrounds, including PWLLE, peer support and clinicians, also shared comments.

Below is a summary of the facilitated discussion, including the perspectives and experiences of panelists and workshop participants as they relate to SCS in Canada.


Leigh Chapman, Chief Nursing Officer, Health Canada


Summary of Discussion

Many people prefer inhalation over injection of substances, yet most SCS do not permit smoking. Indoor supervised inhalation facilities are difficult and expensive to set up, and federal regulations are not flexible enough to allow simpler, less expensive outdoor sites.

“Here’s this one space you can use drugs and not die, but only if you use drugs in this way. Everywhere else you use, you risk arrest.”

The exemption process to establish an SCS is complicated, inflexible, burdensome, and time-consuming. Overdose prevention sites (OPS) do not require a federal exemption and may be a low-barrier alternative to SCS.

“Only a few of us in the country have gone through the exemption process and know how to deal with the burden. When you try to scale up services, the burden becomes too much, and we miss opportunities. We could do more if [the exemption process] was easier.”

Provinces and territories are responsible for delivering health services, yet provincial rules and ideologies can represent additional barriers to SCS.

It is critical to listen to PWLLE of substance use to remain proactive and nimble, and to know what services are needed and where.

More funding is needed to support harm reduction, including SCS and to save lives.

“We are struggling to keep the lights on. We shouldn't have to run fundraisers to provide essential services.”

Conclusion and Summary

This workshop featured four projects and a panel session with an open discussion among policy makers, health care and substance use health care providers, people with lived and living experience of substance use and harm reduction and peer support workers.

The four projects highlighted in this workshop evaluated the impact of SCS on public health, both in populations who use the services and in the general population — comparing their effects before, during and after the immediate COVID-19 crisis.

A high-level summary of overarching themes from the workshop follows below:

Thank you to all who participated in this knowledge exchange event.

The meeting book for this workshop is available to the public upon request. Requests can be directed to the CIHR Contact Centre: support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

More information on CIHR’s Research in Substance Use initiative can be found online.

For more information, visit CIHR’s Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction webpage or email INMHA-INSMT@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

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