IHDCYH Initiatives

To deliver on the areas of focus and strategic priorities outlined in our Strategic Plan 2022–2026, the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) is leading Institute-specific initiatives to promote better beginnings, vibrant childhoods and empowered youth. IHDCYH also partners on Priority-Driven Research initiatives led by other CIHR Institutes and external partners. These initiatives align with IHDCYH's strategic priorities to have the strongest possible impact on health and health care for the benefit of Canadians.

Implementation Science Chairs
This initiative will use a Chair model to advance Implementation Science within the field of human development, child, and youth with the ultimate goal of promoting health and health equity.

Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI)
HeLTI is focused on shaping international policy around intervention during the earliest stages of life for the improvement of health and the prevention of later life non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases and mental health.

Mental Health in the Early Years (MHITEY)
The mental health in the early years initiative will enhance our understanding of factors affecting early brain development and mental health outcomes, and strengthen knowledge mobilization, dissemination and exchange in the implementation of evidence-based early years mental health interventions.

Healthy Youth Initiative

This initiative will bring research to inform meaningful change to policy that impacts youth health and well-being. This multi-phase initiative will catalyze research activities, support networking and collaboration, and build youth engagement in research.

Understanding and Mitigating the Consequences of COVID (UMC)

This funding opportunity aimed to improve understanding of, response to, and recovery from the impacts of the pandemic on children, youth, and families in Canada.

Early Career Researchers in Human Development, Child and Youth Health

The goal of this funding opportunity is to build research capacity, generate new knowledge, and support knowledge mobilization in human development, child and youth health by funding operating grants to early career researchers.

Analysis of Human Development, Child and Youth Health Data Using Existing Canadian Databases and Cohorts

This opportunity funds research that uses data from existing Canadian cohorts, databases, cohort catalogues, and data platforms relevant to reproductive, maternal, child and/or youth health. The objective is to highlight and encourage use for research of previously funded cohorts, administrative and survey data to inform improved patient, population and system outcomes.


The IHDCYH Talks Competition is a creative way to share a clear evidence-based message with a general audience that is designed to have an impact on the health of children, youth and families.

IHDCYH-partnered initiatives

Strong partnerships play a central role in achieving IHDCYH's mission. Below is a selected list of initiatives led by other CIHR Institutes and external partners that IHDCYH is currently partnering on:

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